The Girl in Red (and Gold)

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Ginny wants to say that she was fully attentive of the new frie- enemi-....students of interest as they got sorted. That she kept eyes on them like a hawk and assessed their every move. That nothing they did slipped past her attention.

But that would be bullshit, because she barely paid attention to the food, much less which house they got into. The only thing that's been haunting her mind was Luna's blood stained face, mixed with sweat and her still labored breathing as the Trolley Lady and Professor Flitwick apparated her off to Hogwarts. Her thoughts ran each other over. If she didn't have the trauma, she'd be writing it all down in a diary to keep the ideas straight.

She shifted her beef around as she thought back to what had happened at the infirmary just earlier, which she immediately dashed to once the carriages had touched down school grounds.
"It was amazing Ginny, seeing them, truly SEEING them. They were beautiful!" Luna had beamed while the moonlight shone on her pale features and still red-tinged eyes. It made her look unhinged, less her normal 'loony' and more 'listen to my newest conspiracy theory or I'll shiv you'. Ginny will admit that-even she was scared of her, for a moment.

Her hands were painful to hold onto, her short nails leaving imprints on Ginny's freckled flesh, "I'll show you, I'm sure you'll love it! You just need a pair of Spectrespecs, I can lend you one!" Luna continued to rave. Waving their arms in jazz hands like a kid stuck on a high.

or an Azkaban inmate who's truly lost it, but Ginny beats the thought back.

"I'll show you, I'll show you- my papa always said that the public only wanted us to believe they died out, and they're here! They're in Hogwarts! I get to have classes with people like them!" Luna's giggle was chilling, but at least it was familiar. "Why do you think they're here?" Ginny asked, trying to sooth Luna back to bed. Madame Pomfrey was busy at the back preparing the right spells to find out what went wrong with Luna's veins, and Ginny was begging that she would finish up faster.

"They never tell unless they think you're useful for it, Ginny, their secretive like that," Her energy seemed to dip after that, like her head had finally gotten the message that they were lacking way too much blood and oxygen to function. Luna's head dropped to the pillow, with her hair falling limply around it.

"They're more than human, Ginny, you'll see soon enough,"
Ginny wasn't able to ask Luna what the she meant by 'more than human', Madame Pomfrey had finished what she needed and shooed Ginny out of the infirmary to join the sorting ceremony. Which, again, she didn't have the energy to care about. Soon enough people were eating the last morsels of food and chatting up a storm, and she's still stuck barely glancing at the new kids with the weird feeling that things were wrong, but not having the perception of how wrong. Like some kind of mist before her eyes.

The food soon enough all disappears, Professor Dumbledore says something about sleeping that could sound like an innuendo about either sex or certain doom. She sighs as her brother finally stands with his 'definitely not my bloody girlfriend, you stupid sister' buddy, and shouts about heading to the dorm rooms. She stands to follow, but she feels two firm hands around each of her shoulders.

"Aww now Ginny, I hope you still aren't upset bout' your friend," Fred crooned, petting her head slowly and tenderly enough that Ginny wonders if he sneaked in Fire Whiskey again.

"Yeah, I bet your souls so full of worry. It's starting to show in your figure, sweet sister-" George didn't finish before he had to duck his head to avoid Ginny's surefire strike to the back of it.

Raising his hands in surrender, George kept his smug grin on his face while Fred tapped Ginny on her shoulder. His amused grin more tinged with guilt, but mischief still shown as a first year suddenly burst into tears crying and breaking out in rashes.

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