Part of Your World

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A/n: I might not know Will's fatal flaw, but goddamit I will work with the pages I have read and I will MAKE IT WORK-

Will nearly collapsed in relief when relatively fresh air came back to him in lungfuls, and he most definitely did not use that lungful to nearly shriek when he heard a gasp that was neither Italian, New Orlean, or eldritch shadow pet.

It was, however, depressed gremlin because Will finally noticed Kreature under a bush, staring at him with wide eyes before shooting off to him. His more reserved nature gone and he seemed more- Will couldn't describe it if he tried, kid in a candy shop didn't entail the absolute discomfort he felt while having the goblin look at him as if he was Jesus returned.

The elf seemed to jump from adrenaline high, suddenly looking like he's never known a sad day in his life, and Will hated to tamp that down but the tunnel exit was still open and connected to the grimy abandoned building they just escaped from, and the elf seemed to forget that the group was seemingly trying to run away from kidnappers who could still hear them. "You truly are a heir! A proper heir for Kreature! Room of Regulus would not work if not a master for Kreature!"

"I have no darn clue what you mean by an heir for you, but if you wouldn't mind, quieting down and helping me with the passed out bodies over here!" Will hissed, as he started to haul Hazel up and out of the creepy hidden hallway and into the strange garden. The fresh air seeming to help as her breathing evened and her complexion turned to something less- dead.

Another pop sounded, and Nico's body (along with the shadow demon thing that still stubbornly clung to him) appeared a foot away from him. Along with Kreature who's huge eyes were akin to puppies when begging for a treat. If said puppies were also drawn by horror artists. Will couldn't complain though, because before he could, mist started swirling around the garden.

Hecate arose, looking annoyed as if it was Will's fault that they were kidnapped by stick wielding maniacs. She stepped over the passed out forms of the other two, and Will could himself shaking in his shoes at the close proximity between his face and the goddesses long nails. One hand on her hip, and the other pinching the bridge of her nose, the goddess finally spoke.

"Must I do everything myself? William, you had your entry ticket to your mission just then!" Hecate flared her hands towards Kreature in a 'can you believe this boy' manner, and the goblin seemed to have enough preservation instinct to heed Will's mouthed 'no'.

"But Lady Hecate, we weren't sure if they were allies or enemies. They kidnapped us and said some weird things-" Will found himself stumbling as the goddess moved even closer, her hand reaching out as Will braced for his face to be shred to ribbons.

Her hands instead patted his face as she moved past him. "Oh William, I know you're no Prometheus, but do you really think that I would trust some demigod with this precious world of mine? An Apollo one at that? No offense, child, but your siblings weren't knows for keeping their mouths shut. No-" at this, Hecate smiled, her hands waving through mists like a shawl.

"Children of the underworld are good for keeping secrets to the grave, but with you, this world is yours as much as theirs."
Her head serenely looked back to the tunnel where they just got out of, and Will's blood ran cold at what he knew she was implying, but what could he do? Her form was already disappearing as Nico and Hazel started coming to, and Will forced himself to snap away from spot where the goddess stood to keep the two half-bloods from hurting themselves any further.

"Slowly Nico, slowly you guys lost consciousness twice in one day, and we don't know what that walk did to you guys." Will started fussing over him before the boy rested his pale hands oh his and smiled weakly. Will felt himself relax into the chilly touch.

"Dad visited me in my dreams," Nico started, slowly sitting up with Will's help and watching him help Hazel next, "we need to go back to that house, as much as I hate it."

Hazel groaned as she rested her hand on her head, "let's do that after my head stops trying to reenact the birth of Minerva."

Nico and Will both nodded half-heartedly, "after that, though-" Nico started while cracking his knuckles, " we have a deal to keep.

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