"Okay. Oh that's Darren, he's gonna come up and get my bag" Avery said checking her phone. They waited another couple of minutes before he knocked on the door.

"Hey baby, this is it?" He asked.

"Yup. Thank you".

"Sure. Still doing that dinner tonight?" Darren asked.

"Yes I am".

"So you're looking for a way out of this relationship".

"Hey, why would you say that?" Summer asked.

"Summer, I was here for your last relationship. After he brought up parents we could all tell you were out of it. Besides, you kissed someone else didn't you?"

"Avery" Summer scolded.

"I didn't say who it was" Avery said putting her hands up in defense.

"Anyways. The kiss was dumb and he knows it's not happening again. I like Chase and meeting his parents is just taking a serious step, it's not like a way out".

"Alright then, good luck" Darren said with a small laugh.

"Thank you. You guys have fun and make sure my girl doesn't feel awkward please".

"Will do, come on baby".

"Bye Summer" Avery said kissing her cheek and leaving with Darren.


Connor sat in his office at the school and did some work. Sometimes being at home made him too distracted so he came here.
He was a full time software engineer but a part time professor so he was usually behind on most things and very busy.

"Hello" he said answering the phone.

"Hi, son. We're boarding" his mother said.

"Alright. Have a safe flight".

"We will. There's not gonna be any women when we get there right?"

"There shouldn't be. I said I would pick you up".

"Oh no need honey. Besides your father wants to rent a car in case you're busy".

"I have two cars mom".

"Your sister can use the other one".

"Right. Well text me when you get to the building and I'll have the doorman let you inside".

"Okay, see you soon" she said and he looked up at the door when there was a knock.

"Love you too" he said quickly then hung up.
"Um, come in" he said as Summer walked past him.

"This is crazy. This whole thing is crazy and it's your fault".

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"This, me. Like you said the stupid kiss was a month ago and it's still eating me up inside and it's your fault because you kissed me".

"Right. You keep calling it stupid. If it's so stupid then why is it bothering you so much? Matter of fact, on a day you don't have classes, you came down here to tell me it's my fault that you can't stop thinking about me".

"I never said that".

"But you want to. Look Summer, I'm not pushing anything on you. Be with your boyfriend if that's what you want. You don't even have to take this a step further but don't lie to yourself".

"Excuse me?"

"You're not very intrigued either, I can tell. If you were, that stupid kiss wouldn't cross your mind. Like I said, no pressure, just figure out what you want" he said and she watched him grab a sticky note and scribble his number on it.

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