He is in pain, he is confused and he is crying. Because he didn't sign up for any of this.

Camilla: That's a story for another time. Now, how about we both calm down and you tell me how you ended up in my home?

Antonio: Camilla after what he did I should -

Camilla: No. Please Antonio, let me handle this one.

Antonio: Damn you woman! But you'll handle Matteo as well.

Camilla: *smirks* Don't I always?

Antonio: And I'll be presented.

Camilla: No problem with that.

He has no choice but yo to tag along and soon we are sitting in the backyard with me offering a glass of water at Bernie and Antonio standing behind me like a guard dog.

Camilla: So, start talking.

Bernie: I graduated as you may know... I came to visit grandpa and I had a friend here he is locked at your... basement. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life you know, my grades weren't enough for me to get into college or university and he said this was a big job, we'll get rich I could pay for my studies, I could-

He stops and hides his face between his hands.

Bernie: I don't know what the hell I was thinking! That this would be an adventure or... something like that.

Antonio: That's stupid.

I hush Antonio and reach for Bernie's hand across the table making him look at me.

Camilla: Stealing from a man as dangerous and powerful as Matteo is not an adventure Bernie. It's suicide.

Bernie: I'm understanding that now... how do you do it?

Camilla: How do I do what?

Bernie: How can you stay with a man like him?

I bite back a smile not sure he can handle my answer. Not sure he can handle how obsessed that man is with me. Not sure if he can understand how madly in love I am with him. Not sure if he can even comprehend how good his body feels on mine even if I tried to put it on words. Not sure if he can forgive me for becoming the person I have, one who's in need of power. In need for control. And Matteo can guarantee me having that.

Camilla: They say a woman in love can do crazy things. And they'd be right, cause here I am.

Bernie: I can't understand that! You are so... different from him.

Camilla: I don't need you or anyone else to understand this Bernie. And yes I was different but if you knew me then and saw the me now you'd have a different opinion.

Bernie: I guess that...makes more sense.

He touches his side with a flinch and we both a share a small smile.

Bernie: So what now? Are you going to kill me?

Camilla: If I was to do that I could never face Giovanni again, so no.

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