Bernie: I - I...

His voice trails away and his gaze returns on the floor embarrassed.

Camilla: *sighs* Antonio take off the handcuffs.

Antonio: Are you serious?!

Camilla: I won't repeat myself.

My good friend and right hand man Antonio. Always so protective. He doesn't really likes it when I show that kind of mercy. I don't know if it's because of how Matteo is to react or because he simply doesn't tolerate this kind of disrespect from people like Bernie. But in the end he always obeys me even if he has to stick by me and make sure it's all going to be okay.

When Bernie stands up with Antonio behind him I place my hand on his shoulder leading him out the cell. Antonio locks back the other two and follows us upstairs to the gardens.

Bernie: I don't understand Camilla. What is this place?

Camilla: That's the house of the man you tried to steal from.

He goes pale and he looks at me terrified.

Bernie: You know him?!

Camilla: *smiles* If you think I'm his wife I'd say I do know him pretty well.

Bernie: WHAT?!

He stops at his tracks any grain of colour wiped off his face.

Bernie: That man...a year ago is... Matteo Angelinni?!

Camilla: I see you know who you've been trying to fool.

Bernie: I heard stories.

Camilla: The reality is worse.

He swallows hard and before I can stop him he grabs my by the throat turning me to Antonio who's ready to shoot him.

Bernie: Let me go and she won't get hurt!

Antonio: I wouldn't do that if I were you kid. One whistle and a dozen of men will be surrounding you, do you want that?!

His arm is locked around my neck and I am with my back at him. I exhale carefully because I know that he now feels like an animal. A caged one who thinks he found a way out.

Camilla: I won't let anyone hurt you Bernie but you need to let me go.

Bernie: I am sorry! I just... I can't die here!

He is crying. I don't know how he ended up wrapped in this situation but he is definitely a new one at that. I can feel his body trembling and I nod at Antonio to do nothing.

Camilla: Don't worry Bernie. Everything will be fine.

I feel him relax for a moment and it's my chance. I step on his feet and elbow him at the ribs. He groans in pain and let me loose. I turn around and grab twist his arm behind his back making him whimper.

Camilla: I'm sorry kid but attacking me was not an option.

Bernie: H- How?!

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