Chapter 9 - A Happy Ever After

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Master Pain's POV

The first week with Unikitty were... surprisingly fun. She ate a lot of  ice cream. The only thing that bothered me was the smirk she sent me when Matthew and I were doing something together.

"So we've decided that Master Frown should come and see her today, right?" Matthew said, sitting on the arm of the one-person sofa and leaning over me.

"Yeah, I've already called him" I replied, my neck, ears and face feeling hot for some reason.

I glanced at Unikitty to see if she was listening, only to find her smirking at me again.

Why does she keep doing that?

"Looks like I'm out of ice cream" She said, getting up " Let me go get some more from the fridge"

" Let me do it" Matthew volunteered

" No no no" Unikitty said, already heading into the kitchen, her smirk even more pronounced.

When she had disappeared into the kitchen, I turned to Matthew and he shrugged.

Suddenly, there was a slight knock on the door and we jumped out of our chairs.

I calmed my nerves and walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened it, Puppycorn rushed in, followed closely by Richard, Hawkodile, Dr Fox, with a stomach like Unikitty's and finally Master Michael Frown.

At the sight of him, Matthew rushed to stand at my side, causing my already cooling face and ears to burn again.

"Michael." I said

"Pandora. Where's..." Michael started but cut off as his eyes trailed towards the kitchen.

I immediately looked that way to find Unikitty, looking at Michael with tears in her eyes, her fur a light blue.

"F... Frownie?" She asked, the ice cream can falling to the ground with a loud clang.

"Unikitty, I am so sorry" Michael said, dropping to his knees and looking very sincere "I was stupid and small minded. But I want you to know that I love you and would love to raise our baby together. So, can you please forgi..."

Michael's words were cut off when Unikitty engulfed him in an impossibly tight hug.

"I'm sorry, Frownie" Unikitty sobbed out, "I should have told you earlier but I didn't know what you were going to say and I..."

" You don't need to apologize for anything" Michael said, hugging her back " I'm the one who should be apologizing"

There was silence for a while as Unikitty's fur turned blue but it was quickly broken when a cry came from behind me. We all turned around to see a panicked Hawkodile holding a shaky Dr Fox.

"Dr Fox?" Richard asked and Dr Fox groaned in reply,

"I... think... It's happening" She said, and almost every gasped.

" What?! " Hawkodile yelled, more panic filling his face.

"Oh, okay! We prepared for this. Put your arm around me, okay?" Richard said to Dr Fox "We're gonna get you to the... "

But he was cut off by another cry, this one coming from Unikitty.

"I'm... sorry" Unikitty said, panting "I think it's happening for me too"

"What?!" Even more people yelled

" Oh, we did not prepare for that" Richard said, still supporting Dr Fox.

" Luckily, we did" I said and stood straight "Matthew, you go get the bags. Michael, Puppycorn, help her into my car. You too, Richard. Hawkodile. I'll start the engine"

Everyone nodded and went to do their respective tasks.

A few minutes later, we were at the Unikingdom hospital, the doctors and nurses rushing to us as soon as they saw Unikitty.

"Princess, take deep breaths." One of the doctors said as they took the pregnant ladies away.

As soon as she was out of sight, Michael immediately started pacing.

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" He said over and over, rubbing his arms.


After what felt like forever, with doctors and nurses coming out every now and then and remaining silent, the main doctor finally came out and we crowded around him.

"Doctor, how are they?" We asked at once, scaring the doctor.

"Calm down, everyone. They're fine. You can go to see them now." He replied

We rushed past him and into the room to see both of them lying on beds placed side by side, holding hands and carrying small cloth bundles.

They stopped talking when we walked in, smiling as soon as they saw us.

"Guys!" They said together, waving at us

" Princess" Michael said, hugging Unikitty as soon as he got to her.
Hawkodile did the same for Dr Fox too and pretty soon it turned into a big hug fest, leaving out only Matthew and I.

"I guess we did it huh?" Matthew said to me and I smiled, watching the happy family compliment the babies.

"Yeah," I said, turning away "Come on, let's get out of here"

We had barely made it five steps when we heard Unikitty say :

"Matt? Panda? Where are you going?"

"Oh well you know. We don't want to intrude" I said and Matthew nodded in agreement

" What are you talking about?" Unikitty said smiling at us " Get over here. I want my baby to meet her godmother"

"What?" I asked, shocked

"She's so adorable" I said, holding the cutest baby in the world in my arms. "What have you decided to call her?"

Unikitty and Michael shared a look and a smile.

"Well..." Unikitty started


Aaannd, I'mma end the story right here. Thank you all so much for reading this and everything. Thank you for being patient with me. I believe this is the final end to the Unikitty Fanfic Series. If possible, I will write a small epilogue to all the book. I'll let you know if I can. No promises though 😉. Thank you all again. Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments 👍. I love you all so much ❤️💕😘. Bye for now.

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