Chapter 1: a soft epilogue

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A/N:// hi people~ i suggest reading this fic slowly and civilly, not skimming anything cuz this chap is kinda dense to read. not at all lightweight reading. but you also can skip this and move to the next chapter, this supposed to be like a filler on modern ham's life before we move on.

also, trigger warning for depressing and relatable life.


Alexandra Hamilton didn't know when it hit her, only that, one day, her life had flashed before her eyes; and she died.

If Alexandra Hamilton currently wasn't dead as a door nail, she would sarcastically mumble that it wasn't a death cheesy enough and she'd; 'sure would like a redo'.

If she wasn't, you know, lying on a crosswalk, her carcass paling, and a curious crowd gathering around.


Anywho ~ here's some tidbits of information and probably all you'll ever get on this fics version of Hamilton - so listen closely:

She worked at a failing law firm. Used to. She spent most of her free time scribbling down random nonsense, waste of paper- and what was left of that free time fretting: taxes bunched up in one hand and the electric bills in the other. Used to.

You could say life was (had been) easy on her; problems only being money, familial issues, and insomnia from rampant, nonstop thoughts — whereas just about everywhere you looked in Manhattan there were beggars, estranged children, bruise-eyed men and women suffering worse.

She had been 7 when she was placed to in foster care, and then adopted by the Washingtons by her 14th birthday. The only thing she knew about her biological parents was that they were Caribbean; and that they had left her with some bills, a flowered pacifier, a dirty rag that could count as a blanket, and a name.

Alexandra Hamilton.

A professional nobody.

Died at a crosswalk; flung from the hood of a bus and to the back, a pool of blood and glazed eyes and heaps of paper in a forgotten apartment.

How about a joke? Alexandra Hamilton was selfish, greedy, hotheaded, and she had, perhaps, bizarrely; once upon a time; wanted change — joined protests, preached for equality, and aimed for the highest of unreachable stars.

And, cue punchline —

Until one day she woke up, and realized she no longer cared.

You see, life did that. The government, circumstances, fleeting strangers who judged and smiled in pity. They all contributed into the jading of a brilliant fire; they all watched as Alexandra Hamilton slowly fell in back into the earths orbit and her ambitions simmered into the embers of a once great fire.

The unreachable stars had glimmered in the distance as she fell, a last goodbye to wasted possibilities.


A/N:// so yeah. P.S. there will be ass kicking, just not yet.

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