Chapter Seven

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A groan left your lips as you gripped your stomach. "Valerie," You whined out, only to be met by a snicker. "Oh hush, it was your idea to eat the bloody chocolate cake." She shook her head, of course, she wasn't wrong. That chocolate cake just looked too good to be true, you had your heart set on it from the second it appeared in your gaze. "Do you think there's a spell out there that'd put a stop to my lactose intolerance?" "No, but Pomfrey can probably give you something..." "I'd rather suffer." The two of you laughed, you had decided to leave the great hall after your terrible- yet tasty life choices had taken place.

Grasping a yellow pillow, you pulled it tight against your stomach in hopes it would take away the pain. Though it was no use at all. "Honestly, you'd hope that you would have learned by now." The brunette laughed out, "Oh hush or I'll tell everyone about your crush on Snape," You grinned. There it was again, the deafening silence that held truths that were soon to be spilt. "You used to respond to my remarks about him..." Though you had muttered it under your breath, barely loud enough for you to register you'd said it, she tensed. She had heard you, she just decided to say nothing.

"Shut up." Your jaw dropped, and her eyes shot to meet yours. "No, you actually do." They moved away, "You did?..." Your heart suddenly felt heavy, while guilt seeped into you. 'What happened?... They looked so happy together.' The way she looked at him when they said goodbye popped into your mind, she was so happy, so clearly in love. Knowing there was nothing to say, you shuffled over to the Slytherin girl, quickly pulling her into your arms in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Val..." A sniffle left her, soon followed by shaking that was accompanied by sobbing.

Your guilt soon turned to anger, 'What did he do!' Your mind roared. She stayed in your arms for a while, both of you feeling so many emotions it hurt both of you. Snape was now indefinitely on your shit list until he fixed things with your beautiful friend. She deserved the world that she had made up in her mind, no matter what it included.

You stayed there in silence for a while, your arms wrapped around her in the same caring way she had done for Mars during the train ride to Hogwarts. "It'll be okay..." A lie, something you wished was true even if you couldn't tell the future. Valerie curled up tighter as if she would disappear if she became a ball. "It'll be okay." You reassured, now knowing that no matter what, you were going to make it a reality. No matter what it took.

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