Chapter Five

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Comfort washed over you as you felt Remus place his warm, rough hand on yours. "How was being home?" He asked gently, you shook your head letting out a ragged breath. For just a moment you had forgotten about it all, "My sibling has come to Hogwarts this year... Let's just say I don't think they'll be accepted when we go home." His hand squeezed yours, giving you a reassuring look that encapsulated you. "Well... I'm glad they have such a great sister." The comment warmed your heart, unable to understand how you thought he would stop being this sweet. You had managed to forget how with very few words, he remove any doubt in your mind.

Hours felt like minutes when you were with him. You hadn't even noticed yourself falling asleep before you had woken up to the sun creeping its way through the window. Stirring, you let out a quiet whine. Your arms tightened around the warmth below you, suddenly your eyes shot open looking around at your surroundings. Carefully turning your head, you came face to face with your messy-haired lover.

Your cheeks glowed pink as you stared into his beautiful eyes, his hand traced circles on your back. "Good morning, (Y/N)." You could've moaned at the sound of his voice, the roughness it had when he had just woken up was something you never wanted to change. "Good morning, Remus." He gave you a sleepy half-smile before moving his hand up, tangling it in the back of your hair. Your heart fluttered at the gesture, continuing to stare up at the gorgeous man.

Sadly, time was against you both and you soon had to sneak back to your dorm room. Slipping on your robes, you quickly waddled down to the great hall for breakfast, hoping nobody noticed you were gone. Walking through the doors, you scanned the hall for Valerie, who to your surprise was already sitting at the Hufflepuff table. Beside her sat Mars, who was laughing joyfully as they tried to eat their toast. Speeding over, you took a seat in front of them, a big smile adorning your cheeks.

"Good morning guys!" You greeted happily, Valerie gave you a quizzical grin. "Good morning my favourite Hufflepuff." "Morning sis" Though both of the greetings were widely different, they both hit the same. You had missed your morning talks with Val more than anything, well except a particular professor of course. "How did you sleep?" You placed a piece of toast on your plate, spreading a thin layer of jam on it as you looked over at Mars. "Good! The beds are more comfortable here." You nodded in agreement, that was something you'd also missed every time you left the castle. All three of you continued to gossip amongst yourselves before having to leave for class.

Once you left the great hall, Valerie quickly pulled you to the side. Being held hostage behind a stone pillar, you raised your eyebrow at her. She was clearly nervous about something, her eyes meeting yours every few seconds then immediately plummeting to the floor. "Meet me at the astronomy tower after classes?" She asked, the invitation made you grin. Pulling her into a hug you let out a short laugh, "Of course Val!" You agreed. Saying your goodbyes, you hurried off to your separate classes. Though, you couldn't help but think about why she was so nervous.

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