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I know authors' notes are boring so I'll keep this as short as possible.

Before you start reading, this is a sequel. The first book is called 'I'm Sorry' and is easy to find if you click on my page.

In this book you have started sixth year, you are sixteen turning seventeen and for those of you who don't remember. In the first book, you had turned sixteen before you even romantically paid attention to R.J Lupin.

This book will be far less light-hearted, I know my last one wasn't very light either. But this book will follow more of the issues that (Y/N) and Remus will face as a couple. This also includes issues with (Y/N)'s family that were barely scraped in the mere chapters of the last book.

Though I can promise fluff, I cannot promise smut as it makes me insanely uncomfortable.

Thank you,
Please enjoy this book.

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