Christmas Special: Tonight we are Brothers, Tonight we are friends

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(Hi everyone, this is a Christmas speacial to not only celebrate the Holiday but to also remember about the mircle that happened in WW1. Hole you all enjoy the chapter. P.S. if there is any mistakes it's because I just wrote this in one day.)

December 24, 1914, Europe, Western Front

The western front has been horrenduos for the soldiers of both sides of the war. Stuck in trenches to protect themselves from artillery shells and gun fire from each side. Today is Christmas eve, a day where families come together and celebrate. But right now it didn't feel festive as always. It just feels like another day a survival. This is the first time for the men on the front to be away from their families on Christmas which was already a saddening thought. It just didn't feel right.

On the French-British side of the Front, soldiers were talking to each other, sitting down to rest, or on watch checking the other side for movement. A british soldier is looking at a letter he had received from his loved ones back home. As he reads it, his face shows sadness as he can't be with them. His name was corporal Liam Brown.

Liam: (sighs) I wish I was there with you guys instead of this bleedin' trench.

???: Hey it's not that bad.

Liam turns to see a friend of his as he had a bottle and two cups with him.

???: You still got your friends here.

Liam: Yeah I suppose, it just doesn't feel the same.

???: Yeah I get that, I'm away from my wife and child as well. Instead being around the christmas tree with them, I'm stuck here fighting for my life.

Liam: Yeah but like you said Thomas, it's not all that bad.

Thomas: Yeah.

Thomas puts the two cups on a crate that was next to them and poured the bottle of whiskey in both of them. He put the bottle down and grabbed the cups, handing one of them to his friend. Liam greatfully took the cup from his friend.

Thomas: (Raise cup) Happy Christmas.

Liam: (Raise cup) Happy Christmas.

The two clinked their cups together dranked the whiskey. After that they just sat in silence listening to artillery fire in the distance. The silence was broken however when they heard something over the trench.

Thomas: Hey you hear that?

Liam: Yeah, what is that?

They both got up as well as some others and looked over the trench to see that the sound was coming from the German trench.

Thomas: It's coming from over there.

Liam: (Looks at Thomas) What do think there doing.

Thomas: I don't know but I don't like it. Let's get our guns just in case.

Liam nodded and was about to grab his rifle when he started to hear the sound more clear. It sound like...singing.

Liam: Wait hold on.

Thomas: Why.

Liam: Just listen.

As they listen more into the sound, the Germans were in fact singing.

Thomas: They're singing. What are they singing.

Liam: It sounds like(thinks for a bit) Silent Night.

Thomas: Really.

Liam: Yeah.

As they listen more, they could here the words.

Germans: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night, Holy Night).

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