
376 15 21

2017, Afghanistan
In the middle of the night in the outskirts of Ghazni is a camp where Taliban members are stationed in case U.S. troops try to get into the city. At the entrance of the camp were two members standing guard in case someone comes. While guarding the two were having a conversation.

Guard #1: Do you think someone will come?

Guard #2: Probably, these Americans are getting desperate to end this war.

Guard #1: They are starting to get weaker and maybe leaving, we may win.

Guard #2: I doubt that.

Before his friend could answer a couple of vehicles were coming up to the entrance.

Guard #1: Hey something is coming!

Both guards took out their assault rifles and pointed at the vehicle in front of the convoy as it came to a halt.

Guard #1: Stop, get out of the vehicle now!

There was no response for the demand which caused the guards to go near the front car, one of each on each side.

Guard #1: I said get out!

The Guard goes to the driver’s side and pounds on the window to get their attention.

Guard 1: Roll down the window, now!

The driver does so and rolls down the window to show that it was a Taliban member which lets them relax a little

Guard 1: Oh, sorry about that thought you guys were someone else, where you guys coming from.

The Man looks at the Guard, pulls down his mask to reveal that he was an Afghani, and says

???: HELL.

As soon as he says that the person in the back seat takes out a pistol and shoots the guard in the head, the second guard looks at what happened but fails to see the passenger beside the driver taking out a gun which allows him to shoot the guard three times in the chest, dropping him dead.

When that happened hell broke loose in the camp as the rest of the Taliban rushed to see what happened at the entrance, as this is happening the people in the car got out with guns including the rest that were in the vehicles behind them. From what they look like they could be identified as Soldiers but what looked of different origin from each other. A firefight ensued between the group as they met, the Soldiers were shooting in single or burst shots to conserve ammo and to hit their marks while the insurgents were shooting full auto in hopes of getting a hit.

Taliban 1: What the hell is going on!

Taliban 2: I don’t know- GAH! (Gets shot in the chest by a buckshot)

As the fighting got more intense, Insurgents were falling left and right by the soldiers. Each was shouting commands and where the enemy was at. They were also shouting in different languages, which the Taliban caught on to.

Taliban 3: Hey you hear that? 

Taliban 4: yeah it sounds like (eyes widen) Russian.

Taliban 3: What?! What are Russians doing here!

Taliban 4: I don’t know but we have to get out of here, they're overwhelming us!

As they were talking they didn’t notice a soldier coming from behind them with an MG5 ready to cut them down.

Taliban 3: Yeah your ri- (notices the soldier coming) WATCH OUT!!

It was too late for them as the soldier had already opened fire on them, cutting them down and filling them up with lead. When that was done the soldier goes up to their dead bodies and says with venom in his voice.

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