Chapter 3: Last Day Alive Pt.2

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Joseph started to wake up to feel someone dragging him. He opened his eyes to see that Nathan was dragging him to a building. But he couldn't hear anything due to the explosion, causing everything to be muffled to him. Soon his hearing started to come back, as he started to hear the sound of gunfire, explosions, and people yelling. He then heard Nathan yelling at someone.

Nathan: Hey! I need a medic here! We got a man down here! The Colonel's down!

Medic: Okay get him on the table. Let's have a look at him.

They put Joseph on the table to see what was wrong with him. The medic examined him to see if anything was out of place.

Medic: Well he is lucky as hell. Possible concussion but other than that he's going to be fine.

Joseph:(coughs) What happened.

Nathan and the Medic looked at him surprised as he was already awake from the impact of the mortar.

Nathan: Jesus you're already awake, I thought you would never wake up.

Joseph: Well like Theodore Rossevelt once said "It takes more than that to kill a bull moose".

AN: He's going to eat those words soon.

Nathan looked at him with a deadpan look.

Nathan: Really. You're going to quote famous quotes right now of all times.

Joseph: Hey I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Now can someone tell me what the hell happened when I got knocked out.

Nathan: (serious) Well sir, that attack we repealed was not the main attack. That was a force meant to test our defenses. They're attacking us with more men and more heavy weapons as well.

Joseph shot up from the table and looked at him with a panicked look.

Joseph: (panicking) What kind of weapons?

Nathan: RPGs, .50 cals, and a goddamn tank!

Joseph: What do you mean a tank?!

Nathan: I mean that they got themselves a tank, a Russian one at that.

Joseph got up from the table, despite the pain he sustained from the explosion. He looked out the window to see a tank inside the base firing its cannon and machine guns at his soldiers and buildings.

Joseph: It looks like a T-72. Probably got it from the soviet-afghan war. (looks at Nathan) Where's our Apaches and Bradleys?

Nathan: Gone they got taken out by RPGs and the tank. As well as the mortars and ammo cache so ammo is limited now and we lost the Anti tank rockets.

This caused Joseph to get angry as he hit the wall with his fist causing it to break in.

Joseph: Goddammit! (takes hand out of wall) Ok ok let me think of something.

Joseph got to thinking on how to take out the tank but then Nathan thought of something.

Nathan: Sir if I would, I suggest we take out the tank before we focus on anything else.

Joseph: Okay how are we going to take it out. We lost our Anti tank rockets so we have no means of taking it out.

Nathan: We can if we can distract the tank. One of us can get on top of it, open the hatch and get a few grenades in there and it will blow up from the tank shells in there.

Joseph: (Disbelief) That is a terrible Idea! It'll draw too much attention to them.

Nathan: Well we don't have much of a choice we either take that tank out or we wait here and have it take us out. What's it going to be, it's your call.

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