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Huaxing, an ordinary small road, is located in a quiet rural courtyard.

Flowers are blooming in the yard, and different kinds of flowers are divided into different areas. Various original flower planting tools are placed beside, some of which are still covered with soil.

A man in a black windbreaker slowly walked into this idyllic courtyard.

The owner of the yard hurried out when he heard the ringing of the doorbell.

After opening the door, I was shocked at first, then immediately put a smile on my face, turned my head, and shouted excitedly.

"Xiaomei, look who is here!",

Xiaomei. Yu Xiaomei.

Yu Xiaomei was Nie Cen's nominal wife, and she was also a senior researcher of the empire.

The two of them were sent here by the emperor to live in seclusion because they had participated in the secret experiment of the empire. Their main task was to supervise the No. 01 experimental body.

The child has grown up and can recognize people. In order not to arouse his suspicion, they naturally acted as the child's parents. After a long time, the two of them really felt a little bit like an old married couple, and had some confessions. .

Hearing Nie Cen's excited call, Yu Xiaomei, who was cooking, rubbed her hand on her apron. She thought it was some neighbor she hadn't seen for a long time, but she saw someone unexpected.

"Brother He?"

Yu Xiaomei and Empress Gu Nan were in the same class, so He Yunan was also her senior brother, she frowned slightly in surprise.

"How did you come here?"

He Yunan pointed to the optical brain on his wrist.

"Through the optical network."

"The style of Nie Cen's articles has not changed over the years. Even if he publishes an article under a different name, I can still see it."

"Search the mailing address and find it."

Nie Cen was not at all surprised that He Yunan could find him, and even helped to explain.

"Xiaomei, you don't need to ask about this kind of thing. Everyone in the researcher knows how high the IQ of our researcher at Heda is. If he hadn't taken the road of scientific research, he might have gone to work in the interstellar court. "

"Xiaomei, help me make a pot of tea for my brother, let's go in and sit on the sofa to talk."

Nie Cen supported Yu Xiaomei's shoulder and let her enter the kitchen.

Then she turned around and led He Yunan into her house, Yu Xiaomei had some disapproval on her face, but seeing that Nie Cen wanted to chat with He Yunan, she didn't say anything.

The two walked towards the living room and took a seat on one of the two sofas facing each other at right angles.

He Yunan sat upright with his back straight, with a somewhat pedantic air.

Nie Cen supported the soft armrest of the sofa, cocked one leg, turned his body, and asked He Yunan's current situation, as if he was a little curious about the outside world.

"I heard that Brother He, you have been transferred back to the capital star from the local area? You have also been appointed as the dean?"

He Yunan nodded lightly.

"Yes, the emperor personally went to find me."

Nie Cen hammered the sofa with one hand, probably opened and closed his mouth and cursed a few obscenities related to the emperor silently.

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