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Gu Huan soon got a reply from the military.

It’s just that the result was completely different from what he had imagined. Although Keppel was assigned the position of commander of the general, he did not let him resign. Instead, he was given a three-month vacation, hoping that he could change the situation. idea.

Gu Huan has already made up his mind to leave, resignation or vacation does not matter, it can only be said that such a result made him have to consider more complicated ways to escape the story.

Just as he was about to escape the plan, the little butterfly flapped its wings.


The first military academy, the top wealthy family in the military academy.

On the day before the military training, the freshmen who were registering received another optical brain message.

"From the time I entered the military academy, I am willing to accept all training and obey the orders of the commander, regardless of life or death. Do you need to take an oath for this kind of thing? Of course it is necessary."

"That's pretty cool too. We'll have to make a video to prove it."

"Hahahahaha, it's really fun."

"Do you know who the chief instructor is here?"

"Gu Huan, nine out of ten military academies say the same thing, but which one is the real Gu Huan, don't even think about it."

The students of the First Military Academy were wearing all-white military uniforms, and they seemed to be full of energy. They chatted about the people who might appear in today's freshman ceremony, discussed the beautiful omega they liked, and then pretended Assuming that he is already an adult, he walked into the freshman ceremony venue.

As more and more people sat in the hall, the whispering voices of the students gradually subsided, and they all stared at the stage intently, with round and bright eyes.

The holographic curtain opened.

The person they were expecting did not appear, and standing there was an old man with a red face. —The headmaster of the First Military Academy, Atley.

His speech, like every old man who is old and likes to talk a little more about his life, is long and boring. Not even his playful beard can attract the attention of these brats.

After outstanding students and outstanding graduates gave speeches one by one, everyone gave up hope that the general would appear. When everyone was full of disappointment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Everyone! Look outside!"

The lecture hall of the First Military Academy is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows more than ten meters high, so you can see the outside scenery as soon as you turn your head.

They had never seen so many spaceships!

The students in the hall were leaning against the glass one by one, looking out with their heads pressed against each other. If it weren't for the special dust removal device on the glass itself, their clean white school uniforms might have to be used to clean the glass.

The principal who was still giving a speech just now was waiting outside at some point.

Countless military mechas were parked outside.

A man stepped out from behind the open hatch. His expression was indifferent, and his light-colored thin lips were slightly pursed with blood, but he still looked very pale. The pure black military uniform clings to his thin body curves, making his waist look straight and his legs slender. Although his height is not prominent among alphas, it just sets off all the other alphas around him!

General, You've Lost Your Inhibitor!Where stories live. Discover now