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A reception was also organized inside the warship while the students in the exercise took a field break.

Even if Gu Huan doesn't like certain people, he still wants to do his best as a landlord. The chef prepared a sumptuous dinner in the hall. The instructors of the Second Military Academy, as well as some journalists who came specially, were all gathered in the hall for dinner. Many students who surrendered due to starvation were also taken to the lounge for dinner.

In such a crowded hall, Gu Huan found a quieter place to hide, but even if he hid, it was useless. Wherever he was, everyone's focus would be there, like a magnet, attracting people. Everyone's eyes.

As long as you carefully observe the direction everyone is paying attention to, you can find him.

Relying on this, Chu Xinglin found Gu Huan in the corner.

Supporting the wall of the sofa, he handed Gu Huan a glass of orange juice.

Gu Huan silently glanced at the orange drink in his hand, wondering how he could tell that he liked to drink this kind of thing.

As if seeing Gu Huan's dissatisfaction from his expressionless face, Chu Xinglin shook the drink himself, "You can't drink alcohol."

"You should still remember that you passed out after taking a sip last time."

A rippling quickly appeared in Gu Huan's eyes, and then fixed on the cup handed over by the other party.

He reached out and took it, took a sip, frowned slightly, and put it down.

He doesn't like sweets very much.

"Speaking of last time." Gu Huan raised his head and asked quietly, "Did you tell me something later?"

Chu Xinglin's eyes turned slightly, staring at those eyes, but couldn't help but notice his lips, which looked very sweet soaked in the drink.

After realizing what she was thinking, Chu Xinglin subconsciously avoided Gu Huan's gaze.


Looking at Chu Xinglin's expression, Gu Huan frowned slightly.

His answer made him feel that he might have said something.

But after missing the last time, the other party didn't want to tell him anymore.

Holding the wine, Chu Xinglin sat down on the sofa beside Gu Huan, leaning to Gu Huan's side. Gu Huan's burly figure made him a little slender, and his deep blue eyes were a little distracted and tentative. "Recently, should we reposition our relationship?"

Gu Huan ignored him, and he just talked to himself.

"We probably...can be counted as friends."

After a moment of silence, the admiral opened his lips slightly and repeated the word Chu Lin said. "friend?"

Mentioning this word, Gu Huan felt as if he had passed away.

In the last life, as a rare half-elf, he had to exhaust all his strength just to survive, and there were many "friends" who deliberately made friends with him because of various thoughts. The losses he suffered were enough for ordinary people to die countless times. Back, in order not to be betrayed by others, he simply developed the habit of being wary of others and not being close to others.


This is a word that is gradually unfamiliar to him.

He neither admitted nor denied, and looked at Chu Xinglin indifferently, raising his eyelashes slightly.

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