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Sorry for any typo!

Kyung looked fragile and on the verge of crying, but Y/N didn't care about her one bit anymore.

"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"  Kyung suddenly raised her voice.

Y/N was unaffected by anything she said so far.

"I thought I could count on you for many things...and you end up lying to me, betraying me and taking what's mine!?"  Kyung screamed in Y/N's face.

"He was never yours" Y/N walked away from her taking a step back.
"But always mine"

"You...changed..." Kyung finally noticed the difference from the Y/N she knew.

"Only now?"  Y/N couldn't help but laugh.

"you are literally so stupid as to be the last person to realize this"

"Why did you change!? You were doing great being-"

"Being an easy to manipulate motherfucker?"  Y/N tilted his head.

Kyung didn't know what to say, because it was true.

"You wanted me to stay as a dog that heard everything you wanted right? Well, too late" Y/N was having fun at the moment and forgot the purpose of seeing Kyung.

"And you...had a crush on Mitsuya this whole time" Kyung's voice lowered only to return with more volume.
"WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT! You son of a bitch!"

"All you did was just to be a shitty stalker, while I did what I could to be by Mitsuya's side and mark myself in his life. You better shut your mouth, because I won't hear shit coming out of the your mouth bitch" Y/N gave the same crazy look Kyung was giving.

Making the girl take steps back.
Surprises by many things, the tone of voice, personality and apparently one of the few times that Kyung heard Y/N swear.

"What happened to you?? You changed so much for real...." Kyung started to laugh still in disbelief.

"Look who's talking, the girl who literally kills people just for liking the same person" Y/N laughed at her behavior.

"Right, right...since you've changed, I'm not interested in you anymore" Kyung stopped the drama, seeing that he couldn't make Y/N feel bad with words.

"Why? Because I'm no longer a loyal dog for you?"  Y/N laughed in her face.

"I apologize in advance, I'm doing this all for love, you would understand right?"  Kyung's voice changed pitch, this made Y/N alert.

"If it wasn't because of me, you would be behind bars already" Y/N smiled.

"Changing the subject....it seems we have some things in common" Kyung said.

"Unfortunately, but you missed a detail" Y/N was about to finish the sentence.

But it was interrupted by Kyung trying to stab Y/N multiple times with a pocket knife.

"You kill everyone who likes Mitsuya" Y/N continues to try to dodge Kyung's attacks which were pretty predictable.

"And?!"  Kyung screams.

Y/N was certainly taken aback by the girl's sudden bloodlust, but managed to regain his attention.

He felt disrespected, watching Kyung try to kill him. With each attack, Y/N grew more and more enraged.

Kyung's crazy energy made Y/N start to see things, he was losing his mind in this life and death situation.

Y/N for a moment saw his mother in Kyung, a sudden headache hit Y/N, he was already going crazy for what was happening, now with these hallucinations...everything was coming on suddenly.

"And I kill people who get in my way" Y/N managed to stop Kyung's arm and remove the knife from her hand.

With the blink of an eye, Kyung felt a sharp pain in her neck.

"Like you" Y/N smiled softly.

Kyung screams were loud, Y/N saw Kyung's suffering face and became more and more anxious.

Without realizing it, Y/N stabs Kyung again.

The girl, feeling her life in Y/N's hands, quickly begged to be alive, she always thought that she was the one who puts the lives of others in game since the moment the girl started killing, but when the world decides to take turns, she fell and didn't know what to do, instead of asking for forgiveness.

"I am sorry! I AM SORRY! DON'T KILL ME"

But Y/N couldn't hear.
'I have to stop...I have to stop...but this feels so good'

Y/N continues to stab more even if the body stopped struggling and cops knocking down the door to the roof.

Returning to consciousness, Y/N is thrown to the ground, still confused, he looks around and sees Akina arriving with a scared face.
Moving his gaze, in the corner he could see Kyung covered in fresh blood.

Shortly afterwards, he saw his brother Kisaki.
'No...Why is he here...if more people come, Mitsuya will know...'

Y/N tried to divert from people's gazes, turning their attention to Kyung's dead body, her eyes fixed on Y/N.

Y/N spoke.



"Mitsuya...No! You can't take me! I have explanations to give! I was defending myself! She wanted to kill me first!! Let me go!"

Y/N struggled to try to escape, but ended up being forced into the police car.
"Tell that to the judge"

On the way to the prison, Y/N saw Mitsuya and his sisters on the street.
They saw him.

"No! Let go of me! It can't end like this! Let ME GO! My victory! MY VICTORY!"

Mitsuya noticed the person in the police car.

"Isn't that Y/N?" Luna noticed too.

"What" Mitsuya was confused.
"Let's go back home first...I have somethings to find out"

Mitsuya quickly took the younger sisters home, in a great hurry he left the house quickly, found Akina and Carla in the middle of the way. They were going for Y/N too.

'I ruined it!? I ruined it? No! I didn't!'


Two weeks later that traumatizing event, Y/N was already sentenced to be locked up for 12 years.

It was supposed to be less, but then they found out that Y/N's mental health wasn't good to be free out there.

It seems like his psychotic self totally exploded after killing Kyung.
So there was no way for him to be free out there.

He would also be taking therapy till the day he shows to be normal and so could be released.


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typo!

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang