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Kyung and Amaya stopped talking after that fight.

Y/N was unsure about what to do.
Somehow, Kyung still got the names of the people who liked Mitsuya.

"Yasuda isn't in the list, but I don't like her around Mitsuya" Kyung rolled her eyes.

"I don't think this is right" Y/N spoke.

They were hanging out at the park.

"Y/N, don't think that much" Kyung smiled.
"You just need to listen to what I say ok? I will take care of everything "



"No. This isn't right. Amaya didn't do anything wrong" Y/N stood up.

"Why are you bringing her up?" Kyung tilts her head.

"No...it's just...uh...I don't know...she just started to go insane for some reason" Y/N sighed.

"I never liked her to be honest. She always tried to find dirty secrets about me." Kyung stood up too.

"You never liked her? What?" He couldn't believe what he is hearing.

"Let me tell you a secret. Between us, Amaya has the worst personality" Kyung walks to the swings and sits there.
"Don't you think the same? She always tries to get into our personal life's, just to have some shit to say to her other medioric friends"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore" Y/N followed her and sat next to her.

"You're my bestfriend right" Kyung suddenly said.

"Yeah, we've met a long time ago"

"You wouldn't tell me lies right" Kyung smiles.

"Girl? Of course I would, I am a human" Y/N smiled back.

"Are you close to Mitsuya?" Her smile dropped.


"I saw you two walking home together the other day..."

"It was just a coincidence, just had a lil talk the way home" Y/N tries to explain.

He felt uneasy.

"Right. By the way, let's go met some people" Kyung said standing up and pulling Y/N's arm.
"I called my other friends to hangout"

"What? You had other friends? I never knew about this" Y/N widened his eyes.

"We don't need to tell everything to eachother" She laughs.

"I feel that you're a big ass hypocrite right now" Y/N rolls his eyes.

After minutes, some people could be found smoking and talking in an alley.

"Yo" a girl said to Kyung.

"Seriously, you take too long" A boy with braids said.

"Tsk, who is this" another boy with glasses asked.

"This is my bestfriend, Y/N L/N" Kyung said hugging Y/N's arm.

"Hi Y/N! You can just call me Carla" She had short black hair and purple eyes.
Her fringe was tied by a strawberry hair tie.

"Ran Haitani and this is my brother" The taller one tilts his head to his younger brother.

"Say my name" The younger demanded.

"Say it yourself" Ran looks to the other way.


"Ha?...This is my little cute fluffy sweet younger brother Rindou Haitani" Ran made his voice higher.

Psycho// Mitsuya Takashi X Male Y/N//TRWhere stories live. Discover now