His Powers: Sadly after the ending of the first book, Arash is partially depowered, his powers used to come from a family ring and he kept the control of his powers thanks to his vital organs, however now his powers (Energy Control that helped him...

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His Powers: Sadly after the ending of the first book, Arash is partially depowered, his powers used to come from a family ring and he kept the control of his powers thanks to his vital organs, however now his powers (Energy Control that helped him grab and move things, create force fields, energy blasts, turn invisible or explosive orbs and heal) are not at the same as before and even have a new way to control them that he needs to learn to re-master them, he used to also have Time Control powers but those were more related to The Dahaka and he lost those (to know more about The Dahaka you should have read Part 3 of the first book if you didn't and also more of it in "The Immortals" book mostly on the Prologue and Part 4). However we will see him use his fighting and weapon skills a lot mostly with his two special swords and daggers, also...maybe another weapon that he is gifted on the Prologue, you will see.

maybe another weapon that he is gifted on the Prologue, you will see

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(His two Persian swords and how his daggers look like as well)

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His Family: His parents died on his early teens, so he is under the care of his parental uncle (Ervin Mohamadi) and his aunt (Razia Mohammadi, wife of his uncle), he has 2 much younger siblings (Elika (girl) and Dastan (boy) Mohammadi), all of them part of the royalty in Persia being the rulers of the country (fictional country that I created for this universe, Persia was an empire, now for what I understand Persia now is more like a lineage and they are basically part of Iran), Arash is the former King and now Prince as he gave the title of King to his uncle on the ending of the first book.

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