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I was in the studio till dark tonight I'm not usually in the studio this late but it's my only safe place at the moment.
Times have been really tough with me and my mother these days she never really pays attention to what I want.. it's only what she wants and not what I want. The problem is that I want to be a singer but she wants me to be a doctor due to financial issues so I can help the family..we get into arguments all the time about my life and what I want it's like she only gave birth to me so I could be her work machine whilst she relaxes.
I sigh and start to lock up my studio to get ready to go home.
It was really dark outside when I went outside much darker then I imaged. I just shrug my shoulders and start to walk.. my house is only 10 minutes away.

time skip •
" jeon jungkook where have you been" my mother says in a deep cold voice, she was sitting on a chair with her dressing gown on next to the lamp.. probably trying to make me startled because I came into a dark house.
" I was at the studio" I replied.... Knowing that my mother is about to go into a fit.
I sigh "sorry eomma" i start to walk up the stairs with my head hung low.. I open my bedroom door and walk in, I smile as soon as I see what's on my bed it was a notebook and it had a note on it.
Dear jungkook,
I know how much you love your singing and making songs.. so I got you this notebook to write your amazing ideas in and show them to the world soon.
Love appa.
My smile turns into a big smile.
If you want to know about my dad he's the only one that supports me with my singing he never really got me stuff for it but he usually gave me books on tips and stuff... Atleast now I have place to store my lyrics without my mother finding out. I sit on my bed and prepare for school eg. Packing bag and getting pyjamas on.
I hope tomorrow school will be less stressful

next day —
My alarm beeps alerting me awake. I yawn and do my daily stretches before entering the bathroom and getting ready. Our school uniform is quite fancy it's really nice to be honest...

See?After I'm dressed I go downstairs and fling my bag around my shoulder and get my headphones

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After I'm dressed I go downstairs and fling my bag around my shoulder and get my headphones... whilst drowning in the music I accidentally bumped into a man, I quickly take out my headphones "I'm really sorry are you ok"
"Yes I'm fine" I noticed that the boy was a flyer distributor not many were handed out and I felt bad cause he still had a large pile "may I take one of the flyers" he quickly nodded and smiled, once I took the flyer I smiled and bowed to him and left to continue my journey to school..
I glanced at the leaflet and my eyes glowed I was so happy that I managed to stumble into the boy or else I would of never got the opportunity I'm about to get

 I glanced at the leaflet and my eyes glowed I was so happy that I managed to stumble into the boy or else I would of never got the opportunity I'm about to get

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It was the famous company they are looking for members for a group called BTS their was a link on the paper... I will definitely be going on this link after school

at school —
Im at first period and I'm wishing the day could end right now I can't wait to check out the link and audition.
I felt like time was going so slow... I could not stop staring at the clock.
— time skip studio —
School finally ended and I was so happy  I could go to the studio  and check out the link.. I waited for my laptop to load..

Hi guys this is my debut novel I hope it's good so far if so please give me tell me it will make me really happy knowing  people like my story so far.
Enjoy your day or evening 💗

714 words wow-

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