Chapter 30

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"Max! Max!"

The redhead's eyes open and she falls to the ground, with Annie and Steve catching her fall.


"Oh my god, Max!" Annie's grip around the redhead tightens. Max herself, grips the brunette's jacket, almost ripping it off her, "It's okay. I've got you."

"We're right here," Dustin says.

"I thought we lost you," Annie breathlessly says. Tears flow from both girls' eyes.

"I'm still... I'm still here," Max pants.

"Oh shit," Steve gasps.

"I'm still here."


"Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?" Robin's voice frantically yells over the Supercomm. He left it down by Steve's car and she has been yelling for the last ten minutes.

During those ten minutes, the group remained sitting in front of the headstone with Max. All of them were severely shaken up by the event. Annie and Max especially. When they finally head back to the car, it's dark and Dustin picks up the walkie.

"I copy," he weakly answers.

"Oh my god! Is everything okay? What happened?" the brunette asks frantically. Dustin, too tired to answer, gives the walkie to Steve.

"Meet us back at Nancy's, I'll explain everything," the Harrington boy says in a serious tone.

"Oh shit, okay."

Steve, Nancy, and Robin all talk in the Wheeler girl's room when they reunite. The four younger teens go down to the basement, all exhausted. Dustin and Lucas crash on the floor, and Annie and Max sit together on the couch. The redhead keeps her headphones on, with Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill playing on a loop.

"You should sleep," Max says to her girlfriend, turning the Walkmann's volume down just low enough to be able to hear Annie.

"I can't sleep," the brunette responds, "I don't want to sleep."

"I know," Max puts her arm around the brunette, who leans into her, "collect any flowers lately?"

"No, not since I lived here. I don't want to press flowers that have no purpose," Annie explains.

"You got rid of your collection?"

"Yeah, they wouldn't have traveled well," she sighs. Max frowns.

"I kept all the flowers you gave me," the redhead states.

"You did?"

"Of course," Max says, "it's the one thing I have that reminds me of you."

Annie smiles lightly and the door to the basement opens. The three older teens come down the stairs.

"Hey," Nancy says to the girls.

"Hey," Max answers. Robin notices the two sleeping boys on the ground. She grabs two spare blankets from the laundry room and covers them up.

"We should sleep," the brunette suggests.

"I can't sleep," Annie tells her.

"Me either," the redhead agrees.

"Can you try? I'm gonna turn the light off," Nancy says. Max swings her legs up onto the couch and Annie lies in between them on her stomach. Robin covers the two up. The older girls sleep in the side chairs, with Steve joining the boys on the floor.

Once the light is off, only the faint singing of Kate Bush can be heard from Max's headphones. Annie, her head lying on the redhead's shoulder, kisses her neck. The redhead rubs her girlfriend's back, staring into the darkness. Despite their fear of losing one another in the night, the two fall asleep in each other's arms.

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