Chapter 7

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"Come on, we have to warn them!" Annie says. She lets Lucas go down first, "Here."

She throws his bag down to him before turning and nervously lowering herself down. She then feels a pair of hands around her waist.

"I got you," he says. She drops to the ground and the two run to their bikes, "Come on, let's go!"

He pushes his bike off in the brush, swinging his leg over while rolling down to the road. She follows behind, struggling to ride in the leaves. Lucas turns his Supercomm on, having it strapped to the front of his bike.

"Mike, Dustin! The bad men are coming! Are you there?" he shouts. She catches up as they head back toward Mike's house, "Dustin? Mike? If you can hear this, the bad men are coming! They know about Eleven!"

"Lucas... if there... slow down... do you copy?" Mike's voice distorts.

"Yes! We copy! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them!" he shouts.

"Why aren't they answering?" Annie shouts.

"I don't know," he pants, "Dustin, Dustin, do you copy?"

"Yeah, Lucas, they're onto us," Dustin's voice answers.

"Where are you?" he asks.


"Meet us at Elm and Cherry!" he shouts.

"Copy," he answers. Lucas takes a sharp turn and Annie follows, almost sliding into the ground. He hits his brakes as Dustin and Mike slide onto the street. She slides up next to them, Eleven sitting with Mike.

"Lucas, Annie, where are they?" Dustin shouts.

"I don't know," she answers, breathing heavily.

"I think we lost them," he says. The vans screech behind the kids, causing them to take off.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Mike shouts and the vans speed up behind them.

"Faster! Faster!" Annie shouts.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Dustin yells. Lucas and Annie make eye contact as a van pulls out in front of them. There's nowhere left for them to go, "Ahhhhh!"

"Lucas!" Annie shouts as the van flips over the kids' heads. Their heads tilt up to watch as the vehicle flies over them. It crashes into the ground behind them, stopping the other vans from chasing them.

The kids all look at each other in shock as they continue riding down the hill, leaving the bad men behind. They ride in silence and disbelief that Eleven just did that.

"Where are we going?" Mike finally asks.

"The junkyard, they won't find us there," Dustin suggests. Mike nods and turns, leading the way. Annie follows behind Dustin with Lucas taking up the rear.

"Holy... holy shit!" Dustin swears as the group arrives at the old junkyard. They get off their bikes and sit down in the dirt, "Did... did you see what she did to that van?"

"No, Dustin, we missed it," Mike says sarcastically.

"I mean that was..." he continues gawking.

"Awesome," Lucas admits, "It was awesome."

He walks over to Eleven and kneels down next to her, "Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry."

Annie smiles, looking at Mike. Lucas places a hand on her shoulder and the two smile at each other.

for you, daisiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang