Chapter 27

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Max sits up straight, waking from another nightmare. Her nightgown is soaked with sweat and she pants as realizes she is in her room. She gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen, grabbing the Tylenol from the cabinet. The morning is quiet until she hears police sirens in the distance.

She walks out onto her porch as three police vehicles pull into the trailer park. Sirens blaring, they wake up the whole neighborhood. They stop in front of Eddie Munson's trailer and his uncle, Wayne Munson, sits outside smoking a cigarette. Max's mom walks out of the trailer.

"Looks like that Munson boy's up to no good again," she comments. Officers exit the vehicles and approach Mr. Munson. Max walks down the stairs of her porch, slowly making her way toward the trailer. She gets closer and tries to look inside. The door to the trailer is left open and Max can see Chrissy Cunningham on the floor. Her arm snapped at an ungodly angle.

"Hey!" Max jumps as an officer grabs her arm, "You can't be out here. Get back inside."

The redhead turns back once more to get another look, "Back inside."

After seeing the body again, she runs back to her trailer.

"Hey, isn't Annie flying in today?" Max's mother asks inside. She holds a mug of coffee.


"You don't sound excited," her mother comments.

"I am... someone died over there, that's all," Max shakes her head, trying to rid her mind of the image.

"Well, I can drive you to the airport to get her if you want," she offers. Max nods, a little smile on her face.


"Flight 478 just landed from San Francisco and will be arriving at gate three," a flight attendant announces. Max and her mother wait at the gate for Annie, although her mother doesn't know they are dating. She just thinks they are really good friends. Max tells her mom that Annie helps her grieve, so her mom doesn't question their friendship.

"Annie, Annie!" Max calls, seeing the small brunette walk in from the loading bridge. Annie spots the redhead and smiles, running over to her. The brunette knows she can't kiss Max, so she instead opts for a hug. Not a long one, one that friends would give each other.

"It's... it's so good to see you," Annie says, almost speechless.

"Yeah, I missed you," Max says, slightly smiling. Her mother smiles at the two.

"Well, we should get going, do you want me to order a pizza when we get back?" she asks.

"Well, actually, Dustin invited us over for lunch at his house. Is that okay? Since he hasn't seen Annie either?" Max asks. Her mother nods, smiling at the fact her daughter is going out. She hasn't been out to see her friends in months.

Max sits in the back of her mom's car with Annie. The two sit in silence for a while before Max whispers, "Chrissy Cunningham was murdered."

"What? Who is that?" Annie questions.

"She's a cheerleader. She was found at Eddie Munson's trailer," the redhead explains.

"Who's Eddie Munson?"

"Oh, he's this senior. He runs the Hellfire Club the boys are in. For Dungeons and Dragons," Max explains.

"And he killed her?"

"I don't know, something else happened, but I can't explain here. That's why we're going to Dustin's," the redhead says.

"Oh.." Annie frowns, "he didn't actually invite us over?"

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