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So Tommy is quite the actor to say the least he never told anyone else about it

Wilbur was the one that inspired him to act a bit
Tubbo was the only one he told and so he acted quite a bit around him and Tubbo would give him things to act like it was actually great practice

"Do it again!!" Tubbo shouted through the microphone

As he said that there was a discord sound as someone else joined the call

Tommy looked over at who joined It was Wilbur
"Do what again?" Wilbur asked as he ended up hearing Tubbo

"Uhh..." Tommy said as he had nothing to say

"Tommy's showing his acting skills with me again!"

Tubbo replied

"Tubbo shut up!!" Tommy instantly shouted out

"Tommy you act?" Wilbur sounded quite surprised

"It's just some hobby..." Tommy mumbled as he sat back in his chair embarrassed

"Now you have to show me!!" Wilbur shouted into the microphone"What!?" Tommy shouted as if he didn't hear

Wilbur right

"That's right i wanna see how good you are at acting" Wilbur said sounding chill

"Uh i guess i could. " Tommy was embarrassed

"Great just give him something he can act as!"
Tubbo shouted form his end of the line

"Oh umm" Wilbur thought aloud

"Oh i know act like Tubbo!" Wilbur said

"I've already done that one but sure" Tommy said acting completely not like himself

"Alright" Tommy cleared his throat as the two on the other line waited patently

"Tommy! Tommy! Let's go play Bed Wars! Ranboo Ranboo I wanna play a game! We're now the Bench Trio!!" Tommy acted out some voice lines like Tubbo sounded

It almost sounded exactly like him
Wilbur's mouth dropped as Tubbo started to laugh at Wilbur who's face-cam was on and they could see him

All tommy could do was smile sheepishly"Oh!! You should do Wilbur!!" Tubbo said and tommy smiled and nodded his head and got ready to act it out again except he heard another ping as another person entered the Voice chat

"Heya mates what's up with Wilbur?" Phil entered and asked about Wilbur who was still in shock

"We're playing charades but with our voices!!!"
Tubbo said as he joust came up with it
Tommy only chuckled at his jester

"Now tommy begin i wanna hear it!!" Tubbo said

"Alright alright alright!" Tommy said happily
He cleared his throat again as the others listened closely and Wilbur came out of his shock

"Tommy are we the bad guys? Tubbo you've seen me build my nation I'll fucking do it again! I miss philza i wonder if he'd be proud of me..

There was a saying Phil... by a traitor. Once part of L'Manberg...

It was never meant to be. " Tommy finished and he looked up and saw their shocked faces
Then he heard clapping it was Tubbo

He smiled and laughed along with him

"It was just like him great job!!!" Tubbo shouted as he clapped"Tommy. that. was. amazing!!" Wilbur shouted out and just as he said that there was another ping it was Technoblade

"Hulllloooooo..." his monotone voice rang throughout the call

"Hey you should do Technoblade mate" Phil said
"No no no no and no" Tommy instantly said as he feared techno hearing his acting of him as Really embarrassing

Tommy just continued to shake his head no

"Come one it would be funny Tommy!" Tubbo said

Tommy was all for acting like Wilbur or Tubbo or even Phil whom he looked up to but techno no way was he doing that

"I wanna hear it i don't know what your doing with me but i wanna hear it" techno said even though he quite literally knew nothing of what was happening

"Wh-wha" Tommy said speechless

"See even the man himself wants to hear it!"
Wilbur shouted out

"Ugh fine..." Tommy Mumbled out

"Yeah!!!" Tubbo and Wilbur said out loud

"You go mate!" Phil said loudly but not quite shouting like Tubbo and Wilbur

"Let's hear it" techno said still not knowing what was going to happen but he was sure it was going to be good

"Dude, Dream doesn't care! He does not care! you don't think at all! People that say that violence is not the answer, I think they're just not that good at violence" Tommy said as he shrugged his shoulders then quickly stopped and looked away

Techno was in shock
Not as bad as the others but still shock

"Tommy holy crap!" Wilbur shouted as he snapped out of his shock he then smiled at

Tommy who still refused to look at the window at

the falling snow

It had been snowing for a few hours

It wasn't a bad storm just gentle snow falling

"Tommy can you look at us?" Phil asked Tommy who only shook his head

"Tommy i need you to look at me" technos voice sounded out

Tommy didn't want to but he knew he had to

Tommy that was amazing you should do it more often" technos voice kind and gentle sounded through the call and all of them agreed

They all started to shout out some compliments about how amazing his voice acting was and how his emotions just poured out into his voice
Tommy could cry and he did

He let the tears fall as a smile lit his face up like a christmas tree

"Aww Tommy there's no need to cry!" Wilbur said
As he noticed the tears that fell

"Can't help it to happy i suppose" Tommy said quietly

"Your amazing Tommy never stop." Phil said
And the last thing Tommy heard before he left the call was..

"Tommy your acting is amazing never stop.."

That was technos last words before they left for the night but he knew the next day they could all call up again and Tommy could proudly present his acting skills again..

TommyInnit one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum