♦ The Cheer of Christmas

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"Yes, Young Master! What can Candy and Cane do for yous?" Candy asked him.

"Chwistmas is nearing in four days and Moony doesn't wanna celebwate it but I wanna celebwate it with him, candycanes, twees and Candy and Cane!" Harry exclaimed. "I wanna set the twee which Dadda used to do in home!"

Candy and Cane exchanged looks. "Yous wish is our command, Young Master."



Before dawn, Harry would crawl into his bed and fall asleep. The two house elves would tuck him in and he would sleep till the noon. Remus tried to wake the boy for breakfast but he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

"Good mowning Moony!" Harry greeted him at noon. He was particularly eumoirous that lunch and Remus could not help but wonder what the boy was up to. Candy and Cane did not leak a word about the nighttime decoration and hiding everything during the mornings by magic. Harry surely was admirably stealthy for his age.

The routine continued. Harry would floo to the Potter Cottage and the elves would Apparate. From there, they would get stuff in bulk. The elves used magic to Apparate the tree and a box full of decorations. Harry found another box containing photos which was sent to Remus's house as well. Till early dawn, Harry would stay awake and decorate the tree and during the afternoons and evenings, spend time with Remus or craft more decorations.

Christmas arrived soon and Remus was shaken awake by a very excited Harry. "Good mowning, Moony! Wake up, Sleepy! Mwrry Chwistmas!" the little boy greeted.

"Uh – what? Oh, good morning, Harry." Remus smiled and ruffled Harry's hair but Harry caught his hand and dragged him to the living room. Remus's eyes widened at his own living room.

A Christmas tree, nearly reaching the ceiling, sat beside the fireplace. Tiny, crafted snowmen, miniature santa hats, fake snow, glowing balls and stars were used to decorate the pine. A box sat below the tree and the label read, 'To Moony' in a scribbled handwriting. Remus turned to look at an enthusiastic looking Harry, grinning just like James always did.

"Ima made it on my own, Moony!" he said, pointing at the box. Remus smiled before enveloping Harry in a big bear hug. "Candy and Cane helped me to set the twee up. You pwomised Dadda to celebwate Chwistmas and we are gonna do that!" Tears stung his eyes and he tightened his hold on Harry. Here was a little boy who was doing his best to cheer the ghosted man that he was. When he withdrew from his embrace, Candy passed him Harry's gift and he opened it. Inside a big box was a small parchment.

He unrolled it and in a much neater handwriting, words were written.

Dear Moony,
Merry Christmas.

Know that your best friend is always there. I am in your heart, if you remember me and when you feel down, think about all of the wonderful memories we have had.

With love,

"W-who wrote this?" Remus choked out, looking at Harry. He shrugged and Remus glanced at Candy and Cane.

"We don't know, Master. Young Master –" Cane started but Harry quickly covered the elf's mouth with his hands.

"Mwrry Chwistmas, Moony!" And Remus could not help but hug his wonderful son again.


Seven months had passed since Remus, Tonks, Fred and several others had laid down their lives to save the Wizarding World. Harry sighed in frustration as he watched the snow fall slowly. Everything had been a blur to him. Losing Remus was harder than losing anybody. To top that, Teddy was now an orphan and Harry surely did not trust himself to be a good Godfather, the way Remus and Sirius were.

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