•The Other Daughter•

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Mr. Clutterbucket's POV

"Your daughter, Maya Penelope Hart." The young man named Mr. Fri-ar said. My heart melted for a second, then I remembered the life I was living and the life I had left. My eyes hardened.

"I have no daughter named Maya." I growled. "Get out of my office Mr.Fri-ar, before I call security."

This Fri-ar child stared back at me and stated calmly "Why, you are just the big bully and jerk she says you are.

He started to walk off. He turned and quickly stated "And the name is Friar, not Fri-ar." And he walked off.

I returned home late that night, as always, and greeted my wife at the door.

"I keep telling you that you shouldn't stay up this late." I scolded her.

"I just want to see you when you finally get home..." she mumbled.

"Dad?" My ten-year-old son asked, walking out of the dark hallway.

"Now you have the whole house awake." I told my wife.

"They wanted to wait too." She admitted.

"Hey, Chris, why are you up? Where's Tracy?"

"She's here." He said.

Tracy was almost fifteen. Almost like how old Maya is. They looked similar too except Tracy had more darker hair than Maya.

Why did that Lucas boy want to ask me about Maya? I haven't seen her or Katy in years. I don't want anything to do with them anymore. I'm a millionaire, I'm not settling for their standards anymore.

A super short chapter because I wanted to start the next one!!!!!

-grace- (leah began the chapter!)

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