•Young Ladys are not...•

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Mr. Mattews POV

Riley sulked to the door where I was. "Can we at least talk outside?" She asked, an unclear emotion in her eyes.

I nodded sternly. "Okay class, it's break time. You may talk. Maya, Lucas... I don't want to come back in the class to see you two 'making out'."

The class looked at me horrified as Maya and Lucas blushed. "Yeah I know lingo," I told them before walking out in the hall with Riley.


"Do you want to tell me what this is about?" I asked her, gently.

She nodded. "Maya and Lucas are secretly dating and I wanted to sabotage their relationship and now Maya and I are not on speaking terms and I don't know what I'm doing!" Riley sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

"What's all this black stuff?" I gestured to her clothes.

"I needed change to be confident so I could... destroy Maya." She realized. "I need to be Maya's best friend again!"

"Look... I don't know about this girl drama stuff... But follow your heart and do as it tells you." I said sadly. As much as Maya may annoy me, she is like a daughter. I don't want Riley to sabotage her and Lucas's relationship. No one deserves to be stabbed in the back.

short little chapter because I have some more stuff comingggggg!!!! A. Lot. More. Stuff.

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