Chapter 19

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This is all you get ☝️ you have to wait until tomorrow for the Christmas oneshot 😹

Walking and walking until she heard two familiar voices talking behind a door.

"–her place tomorrow alright? Water?"

Hearing the woman's voice from earlier speak as the clanging of dishes and glass cups echoed against the walls of the quiet house.

Surely it had struck 2:00 am by now already.

"Yes sister."

Peering around the corner with her best intentions to stay hidden, her eyes locked onto another pair unexpectedly as they smiled.

"Darling, please, come here. Take a seat."

She just swallowed both the lump and anxiety in her throat and slowly trotted over with her head drooping down.

The woman slid a small steel spoon of pink liquid that smelled strongly of cold medicine over to her face.

"Take this, it'll make you feel better."

Looking at the spoon and back up at the woman, she just couldn't say no.

Taking the spoon from the woman's hands shakily and inputting into her mouth. Feeling the burning yet cold liquid sliding onto her tongue and down her throat all the way to the bottom of her stomach. Cringing at the feel and feeling a shiver go down her spine.

The woman taking the now empty and clean spoon back and rushing back to the counter. The sound of water running immediately filled the airy room that felt like the tension could kill anytime soon.

Finishing with the dishes, she came back to the island and pulled out a chair.

"Sit, please, eat."

Taking a seat in front of the island that the boy was sat on next to her. Water was it? Or was she just implying that he wanted some? Either way, she just did what she was told.

A plate of food sliding into her vision with steam pouring out of it.

"It's soup."

The boy next to her spoke as he ate some of his own in another bowl neighbouring hers.

Nodding and picking up a metal spoon that was placed down earlier along with her bowl. Just as she was about to place the hot liquid in her mouth her eyes caught a glimpse of two bodies outside of the doorway arguing.

Shrugging it off and putting the metal spoon in her mouth, she nearly screamed at the temperature but mostly because two bodies were strangling each other through the entrance door.

The three individuals in the kitchen area just stood and stared as they continued to fight each other until they were in the middle of the room clear of the walls and far from any furniture.

Eyes widening as she recognized who they were. They were one of the two ghouls that she met earlier.


"No!- Stop now!-"

"Just do it!-"



She yanked his horn as he winced in annoyance.

"I said-"

She pulled him closer to where the two were sitting at the island.


Just as the slightly taller and more feminine figure was about to choke the shorter more masculine figure, they both heard the clearing of a throat that came from the woman.

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