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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS?? i'm gonna be honest with you I wasn't expecting a lot of people to even read my book so thank you for sticking around 😭

This is a special one shot that has nothing to do with the plot at all that's dedicated to this milestone 🥹


"What was the whole point of this meeting.." Papa II spoke out in an uninterested tone.

"Yeah.. I could be baking right now or something.." Another voice butting in.

"Please don't cook.. last time you did you burnt down the kitchen Sodo-"

"Oi! You shut up!"

"Okay!- Okay! I'm sorry!-" Aether crying out.

"The point of this meeting was-" Papa III spoke, but rudely getting interrupted by another voice.

"Well- let's not even talk about the time you almost got blinded by the Solar Eclipse!-"

"That's because you took off my sunglasses! What about when you ate the decoration fruits from the fruit bowl!"

"It tasted good!"

"Guys, guys please.. Cardinal is trying to talk.." I sweat dropped as I looked at them.

Both of them begrudgingly shut up with the continuous insults.

"Please, Papa, continue."

"Thank you Signal.."

"This is stupid.." Sodo grumbled under his breath, putting his two senses in.

"Anyway, you guys are all here because.. someone ate all my cookies."



"I'm leaving." Papa III was about to leave as a hand was placed on his wrist.

"Stay, please." The tall ghoulette begged.

He stared into my soul before sighing and sitting back down.

"Fine, only 'cause you said so."

"Thank you!" I whispered.

"Okay so, who ate them? Where was everyone last night." Cardinal seemed very serious about this..

"I was down at the music room with the ghoulettes-"

"That's a lie!" They all chimed out.


"You were not with us last night, Aether.." Cirrus spoke out in a suspicious tone.

"Guys, this is very serious." Copia looked like he had just lost a very cute puppy.


"Because... They were made by Signal-"

"WHAT!!" Everyone chorused out.

I sweat dropped in my seat. I've been found..  I'm screwed..

They all stared at me with betrayal.

I prepared for all the yelling with a sigh.


"Why didn't you make me any Signal?" Cirrus fake crying.

"I want some.." Sunshine and Cumulus sulking and kicking their feet up and down.

"Signal, why have you betrayed me like this? I thought we were best friends.." Swiss complained.

Sweat dripping I tried reasoning.

"Well- Cardinal has been working pretty hard a-and uhm.. There were a lot of them! A-at least 30!"

No one noticed three individuals trying to sneak off.

Until the creak of a door was all that could be heard.

Head whipping into the direction of the noise.

Aether, Rain, and Mountain looked panicked.

"And where are you guys going?" Terzo asked with an eyebrow raised.

Aether nervously spitting out an excuse, "I have an important file to fill out and some I-instruments to move so-"

A hand placed on his shoulder.

"We're here to help him." Rain and Mountain acting calm, cool and collected.

"No, you guys are staying here. That's an order." Cardinal Copia looked at them with a death glare.

"Okay! Okay!" Aether putting his hands up in defense.

Rain and Mountain looking at each other confused.

"Do we go.. or.." Whispering to each other.

A feminine voice broke the chattering that filled the room.

"Whoever confesses, I'll make them more cookies-"

Suddenly the room broke out in confessions.






Needless to say, Cardinal was pissed.

"Who. Was. It." He stares at everybody with a glare that could kill.

"..it was me." All heads whipped into the direction of Mountain.

"Me as well.." Rain added in.

"Me T-too.." Aether nervously chimed in.

Cardinal was about to lecture them but I cut him off.

"That was nice of you guys to confess. It's fine I'll make everyone Cookies later.."

Almost everyone in the room shouted out in glee until a specific Papa wasn't having it.

"Shut up."

The whole room sweatdropped and turned around to see Papa Nihil with an oxygen tank behind him with an annoyed face.

He grabbed his ventilator and took a gasp of air.

I almost burst out laughing with tears in my eyes if it wasn't for Swiss leaning on me trying to catch his own breath.

One thing led to another and now we were on the ground outside of the meeting room laughing our asses off.

"That was so funny for absolutely no reason-" I wheezed for air, while Swiss was in the same situation.

"I'm so gonna get yelled at for this-"




Again thank you guys so much 😭

¸¸♬·¯·♪·¯·♫¸¸ «𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓕𝓪𝓷 𝓣𝓸 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓭»¸¸♫·¯·♪¸♩·¯·♬¸¸ (𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹 𝑹𝑬𝑾𝑹𝑰𝑻𝑬.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz