Stuck like glue

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Just as Y/n's father has stated, there were multiple ways to break the curse. One was his death, two would be Y/n enacting the curse on a different demon, and third was her simply releasing him.

The first method was out of the question, obviously. That only left the last two.

The second option made gave him an odd sense of frustration. Though, he couldn't put his finger on why. It wasn't as though he had to watch her kiss another demon. But the very idea of Y/n kissing another demon, well it irked him. He needn't explain why, it simply did.

Waving away his concerns he turned to the third option. It would take time. She would have to fully understand her powers before she could break the curse. Enacting it was only simple because it was a defense mechanism. Releasing the curse took understanding, practice, training.

Red Son sucked in a deep breath and slammed the book shut. He would have to keep the peasant girl around. And now his parents would need to believe he was actually courting her.

How had this mess compounded?! It seemed so simple! How had he become so entangled in only a few short days?

At that moment William rushed into the mediation room waving his arms wildly and speaking rapidly.

Red Son's already worn patience stretched ever thinner as he attempted to decipher the bull clone's garbel.

Suddenly, Red Son caught onto a smattering of words.

"Lady Iron fan.....healing chamber....the girl."

The words were all he needed to hear as he pressed William aside.

"You let her see Y/n?!" He growled racing towards the healing chamber. He paused at the door of the chamber and sucked in a deep breath before walking through the threshold.

Lady Iron fan stood over the girl studying her neck. Her hands gently pressed at the slit to gauge it's depth.

An odd urge to press his mother away surged through his veins and Red Son strode forward catching his mother's wrist before the urge dissipated and reason took hold of his actions once again.

"Careful mother, you wouldn't want to get blood on your hands." Red Son excused his rash decision behind a feigned sense of concern over his mother's comfort.

Lady iron fan's sharp gaze locked with his. Studying the motives hidden behind his eyes.

Red son held to his story despite knowing he had never successfully lied to his mother in his life. Yet he offered her a nervous smile.

"Can't we leave this task to the bull clones?" He asked changing the subject and releasing his mother swiftly.

The sharp edge in her eyes eased to an intrigued look that bordered on suspicion.

"This injury was inflicted with a blade." She surmised her gaze never shifting from her son.

Panic exploded in Red Son's gut. He resisted the urge to squirm under his mother's gaze, the task proving difficult.

"I did say it was an abusive situation, mother."

Lady Iron fan hummed thoughtfully and finally removed her piercing gaze from him. And instead stared at Y/n.

"And how did you come to know this girl?" She inquired.

Red Son felt the question slam into him like a sucker punch.

"W-well that is difficult to explain, mother. It was all very complicated."

No one could claim that was a lie.

"I would much rather wait until she wakes so we can explain it with more clarity." Red Son regretted the words the instant they had left his lips.

Lady iron fan studied her son musingly.

Red son was sure she suspected something but if she did she hardly showed such.

"Hm... Very well then." She responded stepping forward.

Red Son followed her as she exited the healing chamber and locked eyes with William the bull clone. Sending him a sharp glare he glanced back at the healing chamber silently commanding William to get back to Y/n.

Willam flinched then hurried back to his position within the healing chamber.

"Red son." His mother spoke tearing his gaze away from William to snap back to meet hers. "It may take days for that girl to heal. I expect the full tale of you two's acquaintance as soon as she has recovered."

Red son felt his stomach wrench into a knot at the order but nodded obediently.

"O-of course mother!" He cursed the stammer that likely bore a sure witness of his nerves but smiled regardless.

His mother regarded him intrugedly but turned away.

"I will alert the bull clones to have extra surveillance. As the monkey boy will likely come to save her."

"Noodle boy?!" Red son stiffened at the very thought. This was humiliating as it was. Having the Noodle boy learn of this.... predicament would be unbearable.

Lady iron fan glanced over her shoulder at him as if her observation should have been obvious. Which in all honesty it should have been. Red son had simply been far too preoccupied to notice.

"But of course. What are heroes if not interfering? I'll speak with your father about security." She shrugged and excused herself finally allowing Red son to suck in a proper breath of air. Then he darted back into the healing chamber.

"For the love-" he growled before taking in a deep breath he looked at William. "Tell me you at least have her stable."

The bull clones nodded and offered Red son a tablet with her health diagnostics.

Red son studied them as William went back to work.

The results were simple enough. Nothing vital had been hit. The slit was superficial and she had likely initially fainted from fear. But the blood loss kept her steadily unconscious.

"Does she need more blood?" Red son threw William a questioning look over the tablet.

The bull clones shook his head.

"Very well then. Keep a close eye on her and alert me, and ONLY me when she wakes." Red son warned returning the tablet.

He left the room with an irritated frown. Now what to do about Noodle boy?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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