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SWEET SWEET SWEET INTERNET!!!! *starts to kiss and smooch with the router* mehh backkkkk!!! I missed yu guys soooo much i was literally itching to at least write or post something! The electricity is officially back and its wayyy faster than before! Guess what i did when the electricity came back:

Me: *reads le random boring book in the daylight*
*lights, tv, and router comes back on*
Me: *starts getting happy like a kid drunk on Kool-Aid* *begins running and hollering in the whole house like an idiot* THE ELECTRICITY IS BACKKKKKKK!!! *starts sing "Hallelujah" loudly in the house while still running*
Parents: *a "WTF" face*
Me: *runs up to parents* *starts laughing maniacally* HAHAHA IM NOT CRAZY!!
Parents: *has a quadruple "WTF" face on*

And that is exactly what happened! :D im a weirdo! I can finally post stuff for you guys!! I will try to post today if i can cause im gettting a bit busy. Also you may be bit upset but.....
Im such a chicken so i wont do the lemon!!!!!
*hides in a small safe concealed corner* plez dont kill meh... *gives cutest puppy dog face in the world of cute puppy dog faces*
Anyways, Ciao Readers! :D

A Puppet With Cut Strings (EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें