Chapter 46

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The atmosphere in the school was full of excitement, the entire school looking forward to the final quidditch match, and the opportunity to stop studying for a few hours. James and Lily entered the Great Hall together, most students dressed up in their house colors, some talking about win scenarios for the quidditch cup, others placing bets or just talking about other subjects.

"Ready captain?" Sirius asked in a more serious tone that he normally did.

"Probably as ready as I can be right now." James answered.

"You will do fine today, Potter." Mcgonagall said as she walked up to the team sitting together.

"Dad told me that he and Rose were going to come to the final." James said, trying to shake the thought of her death from his head and focus on the game.

"Then go out there and play a game that she would be proud of." Mcgonagall said, Lily noticing the Mcgonagall had some tears forming.

"I will." James said, puffing out his chest out.

"I know you will." Mcgonagall said, patting James on the shoulder.

James and the team ate, trying their best to ignore all of the noise and focus on preparing themselves mentally. After they all finished, James lead his team to their changing room where they began changing and James worked on last minute game planning in the small captain office. He was half dressed where there was a knock at his door.

"Yes." James said, not looking up from the chalkboard he was writing on.

"Hey, James." Lily said, opening the door and poking her head in. "Not that I mind the view, but can you finish getting changed and come out." James heard a groan, which he assumed was Sirius, and couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Ok, I'll be right out." James answered. He quickly finished getting dressed and exited the office, finding Lily sitting around with the rest of the team.

"So, I talked with the rest of the team." Sirius began. "In honor of Rose, we all are going to wear these small roses on our uniforms." Lily pulled a bouquet of roses out from behind her, James doing his best not to cry.

"We already discussed it with Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and Houch, they all gave it the ok." Lily said.

"Thank you all." James said as Lily stepped forward and fixed the rose to his uniform.

"Alright." Lily said. "Good luck today, see you guys on the pitch after you win."

"Don't jinx it." James said holding up hus hand.

"Yeah, ywah." Lily said, chuckling. She gave James a quick kiss on the cheek and then left.

"Alright, today's the day." James said, turning his attention back to his team. "I know today means a lot, we have a chance to win the quidditch cup, and we have a chance to avenge last years game. It's not just the last game of the year, but it's also my last game I'll play here, and I'm going to leave it all on the pitch."

"We'll be celebrating together tonight." Sirius said, standing up. The rest of the team followed suit, and James began a last minute game briefing, then they all grabbed their brooms and made their way to the tunnel.

They stood together, their brooms in their hands, listening to the crowd roar and feel the tunnel shake. James closed his eyes and bowed his head, he thought of Rose for a moment, but then the tunnel opened and James opened his eyes.

"Let's do this." James said to his team, then straddled his broom and kicked off.

He flew in a loop around the pitch, only giving a smile and wave to Lily and the rest of their friends. He flew to the center and met with Madam Houch and the Ravenclaw captain Robert Davies.

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