Season 3 episode 7 (when the dead come knocking)

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(I'm pretty sure that geography or social studies homework on the paper)
Intro here

I walked toward the fence near where Carl stood, a girl with a sword almost like mine was outside the fence. She pulled out the sword when the walkers noticed she wasn't also one "should we help her?" Carl asked his dad "o say yes, she's got baby formula. That's what Glenn and Maggie were going to find. Maybe she knows why they aren't back yet." I said grabbing out my sword and walking to the gates with Rick trailing closely behind. She collapsed. Carl shot at the walkers who were right above her "nice shots Carl!" I shout "Carl!" Ricks shouts, Carl throws his dad the keys. Once he unlocks the gates I run out and grab the girl. The other two shoot at the walkers. Carl grabs the crate of baby formula "is she bit?" Hershel asked "no." I responded checking all noticeable areas of skin "not that I can see." I added before handing her to Rick "gunshot." He said looking at her leg "ooh that hurts." I said remembering the pain from last time as I pick up the sword.

As we walk in Carl was ahead of us "Carl get a blanket. Beth, water and a towel." He looked at me "food, and medical supplies?" I asked he nods "got it." I rush off to grab the stuff.

By the time I walk back she's awake "who are you?" Rick asks as her breathing slows down "hey hey, it's alright." Rick said, she reached for her sword but Rick kicks it back "no. We aren't gonna hurt you." I look at the sword carefully "we have the same sword, nice choice" I said smiling as I look up, Rick stared at me with the 'really' face "sorry, not the time." I said putting the sword down "Rick." Daryl calls out, Rick looks back "who the hell is this?" He asked "that's what we're trying to figure out." I responded "wanna tell us your name?" Rick asked "you wanna tell us your name?" He whispers "y'all come on in here." Daryl said, Rick got up "everything all right?" Rick asked "you're gonna wanna see this." Daryl responded "Go ahead. Carl, get the bag." Rick instructed "we'll keep this safe and sound." Rick said holding up her sword "the doors are all locked, you'll be safe here and we can treat that." He said pointing to her wound. The girl looks around "I didn't ask for your help." She said "doesn't matter." Rick responded "can't let you leave." He added as he walked out. Her eyes landed on me "you should eat, I don't know how long you've been out there on your own but you need to eat." I said giving her a can of fruit "I'll be back." I said walking to the others, I closed the door behind me "please eat." I said then I walked right to the others. I looked inside the cell to see Rick hugging someone "who's that?" I asked. Rick and the mystery person parted, I smiled as I recognized who it was "Carol.. I thought you were dead!" I shouted before hugging her "I thought I was too" she said hugging back.

We walked back to the lady "we can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water, and then send you on your way. But your gonna have to tell us how you found us and why you were carrying formula." Rick said keeping his hand on his gun. The lady looked at Rick then to me "the supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy" she started "Korean" I corrected "with a pretty girl." She adds "what happened?" Rick asked "we're they attacked?" Hershel asked "they were taken" she responded "taken? By who?" Rick asked "by the same son of a bitch who shot me." She Retorted "hey. These are our people, you tell us what happened now" he grabbed her "don't you ever touch me again!" She shouted, I looked at Rick shocked and slightly disgusted "you'd better start talking." Daryl had his cross bow aimed at the lady "you're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound." Daryl said "find 'em yourself." She said looking at the ground calmly "hey. Shh shh shh, put it down." Rick whispered to Daryl, Daryl obliged "get back inside." He said looking at me. I glanced at the lady one last time before leaving. I wondered what had happened to Glenn, Maggie, and what was to happen to the lady. She seemed nice just ruined by the world. I sighed and sat in my cell. Carl was watching Hershel and the lady so I had the small room to myself. The others were discussing stuff about some town, they wouldn't let me go or even try to volunteer.

Everyone was outside, I stayed inside I didn't want to say goodbye. I didn't want to say a final goodbye, I wanted them to return safely. I didn't want to believe they were gonna die on this little mission. The walkie started going off, static. I didn't even turn it on. I picked it up and turned it on "-n! Y/n! Hey hey!" Five's voice shouted out excitedly "what's up?" I asked "guess what?" He asked "what?" I rolled my eyes "2 and 3 just went out on another run, they said they'd bring back some people if they could" five said "really? You think there's gonna be any kids our age?" I asked putting my left foot on the bed "maybe, I mean your still alive" he responded "is that a bad or good thing?" I asked sarcastically "but if both, depends on how you wanna take it" I could practically hear the smile "mhm" I hummed "where are you?" Five asked "Georgia." I responded "hey, we aren't that far from each other" he said lowering his tone into a whisper "yeah, we're like.. two states away from each other. Your north I'm south." He chuckled "right." He said. "how tall are you?" Five asked "about 5'2 is what I measured a year ago. I've grown since then though." I responded "really? In what ways?" I scoffed "none that concern you other than height." I responded "alright, alright.." there was a pause "when do you think you'll come over to Alexandria?" He asked "I don't know, maybe when this prison goes down. Maybe when I'm alone, but I'm trying to lead the group to you guys. You've never been outside the walls.. have you?" I asked "nope." He responded "then we could help train you guys.. incase if something were to happen." I suggested "I'd like that. Maybe you could teach me yourself" I laughed "I'm not that good of a teacher." I said "and I'm not that good of a student." Five retorted. The sound of the cell door opening and closing caught my attention "I gotta gotta go, the others are back." I said watching as they walked in "awe so soon?" He asked "yeah, sorry Five" I apologized "it's fine, I get it. I'm not your favorite" I laughed "alright, alright. Goodbye loser." Five laughed slightly "goodbye 0." He responded before I turned off the walkie.

End of episode bc I can't think of anything.

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