Season 3 episode 8 (made to suffer.)

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As night fell upon the prison I felt slightly sad, practically none of my favorite adults were here. I stayed in the cell where Carl, Bell, and Axel were. Beth held who was now being called Judith "you are good with her. You got little sisters?" Axel spoke up breaking the silence "no." Beth replied, Carl crossed his arms "how old are you, anyway?" Axel asked. I glared at axel "17." Beth answered "17. Interesting." Axel said watching Judith "that's sounded creepy Axel." I said leaning against the wall "may I speak with you?" Carol asked before axel could respond to me "me?" He asked looking amongst us. Carol walked away "I'll be right back." Axel said getting up and walking out, Carl made sure he was going to Carol. I watched from inside the cell "what's the problem?" Axle asked "stay away from her." I turned to Beth "don't be afraid to speak up when your uncomfortable, just say the word and he'll be dealt with" I said "thank you y/n" she replied. It felt weird to be called by my actual name instead of my code name since no one's said my real name in a long while "stay away from her." Carol's voice ran through my ears. I looked back over "please." Axel put his hands up halfway and let them cascade back onto his sides "this isn't you trying to repopulate the earth." Carol said "I didn't mean no offense. I've been locked up a long while and well, there weren't many women. You following me? I mean Maggie, she's with Glenn and you're a lesbian. I was just talking with her." He said looking back at the cell then to Carol "I'm not a lesbian." Carol replied "you got the.. short hair" Axel said gesturing to his hair. I chuckled "you're not lesbian?" He asked. Carol stayed silent "my, my, this is interesting." Axel leaning against the railing "no, it's not." Carol replied walking back over.

It was mostly boring with the others gone, barley had any opening to talk to five and the others without the others asking who he was or where he was. It was as quiet as a mouse although we were still awake waiting for the others "finally got Judith to sleep." Hershel said "how are we with formula?" Carl asked "we have enough to last us another month." Hershel replied "I'll take Carol for some more at the end of the week." Carl said "maybe even bring y/n with." I smiled upon hearing my name "your dad and the others will be back by then." Beth said "we don't know that." Carl said "right now, Judith is the only family I got." He added "why is that-" suddenly there was a distant scream. I got out of my cell "that was from inside." Hershel said "was that Carol?" Carl asked "she's out keeping watch in the guard tower with Axel." Hershel said "then that must mean there are others in the prison. We've gotta help them!" I said "but what if it's just them and they went back inside for something and their in trouble?" Beth asked stopping me from running over "let's check the tower, see if their there." Hershel said "how could anyone else get in?" Beth asked "maybe there was a hole?" I suggested "the tombs are filled with walkers. That wondered in from outside" the screaming continued "I'm going." Carl said getting up with his gun "I can't let you go down there." Hershel said stopping him "my father would go." He cocked the gun "but you aren't your father, you're Carl." I said but Hershel let him go. I groaned and followed Carl. We both went down with the flashlights on. The screaming grew near, we kept our guard up. A walker shows up behind us, Carl shot it just in time. The sound of growling interrupted the silence, I walked in then Carl did. A small group of people and some walkers were there "don't scream. You'll attract more." I said as I killed one of the walkers helping the guy, Carl shot a walker helping the girl "come on!" Carl shouted "hurry!" I added and went down the narrow area. The people trailed behind us as we left. We made our ways through the halls. The girl collapsed, we were losing time. As they chatted I killed the on coming walkers "you have to leave the girl!" I shouted. A few seconds later we were on the move again.

Carl opened the door then closed it as everyone finally came inside "oh, god! Donna?" The man shouted "is she dead?" He asked. Carl rushed to the side "I'll take care of it." He cocked his gun "whoa!" A man said holding his hand up "if he doesn't shoot her, she'll turn then bite you guys then you'll turn and this won't end pretty." I said "yeah, she doesn't have that long." Carl replied "who the hell are you? How did you get in here? Who are you with?" A girl asked "we should be asking you guys that." I retorted "look we can help you. First things first." He looked down at the unconscious maybe even dead girl "no, we take care of our own." A man said taking a weapon "no Tyreese!" The other man shouted "I gotta do it. Look, just take Ben and lean against the wall. It'll be quick." Tyreese instructed. Carl walked over and grabbed my arm, he then walked into the cell block before closing and locking the door "hey, what're you doing?" The girl asked walking to the door "kid, did you lock us in here?" Tyreese asked "open the door." The lady said "this room is secure you'll be safe. You have food and water." Carl replied. The lady walked up to the door "open this door." He she said "nah, outsiders are to not be trusted until the proper adults get here." I said "coke on, man. We're not animals. Don't do this." She pleaded "although you weren't animals I advise killing the one who will become an animal." I said "hey!" She shouted banging on the door. I took a step back startled "you can't just leave us in here! Open this door! Open it! Now!" She shouts as she banged on the door "Sasha!" Tyreese shouts grabbing the lady's attention "back away from their door and let the man go." Tyreese said as they walked back "look around you this is the best we've had in weeks. His house. We got other things to do." He turned to us "we don't want any trouble." Tyreese said, Carl nodded before they walked "shouldn't we help them?" Beth asked "we did." Carl responded "mostly Carl." I mouthed to Beth. She smiled slightly, I turned around to see Hershel staring at us.
(I swear to god if there's another cutscene with Andrea in it, and I hate the governor so much. Why does he keep his dead kid in a closet? Wtf?)

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