Max Verstappen- Envy

Start from the beginning

"What do you want, shouldn't you be receiving your trophy?" He said it with such hate it made her so mad.

"I came to get you to go get OUR trophies together!" He continued to lay there as if nobody were in the room with him and she was furious with how we was acting towards her.

"Just go I'll head out soon" She scoffed and walked towards the door but turned around and rubbed her face with her hand.

"You know you're so aggravating, if you win your all smiley and cherrie with me and it's the absolute best but when I win something and do better than you it's like you can't stand me, I am so overly supportive of you whenever you do well because I like to see my teammate do well and it's great for the team but it feels great to win and I have fought far too hard to get to where am to be in your shadow!" He only fixed his towel to see her a bit and put it back down and she was furious.

"To think I felt bad about talking p1...I felt like the bad guy but ya know what I'm celebrating this one even if it sucks for you" With that she turned around and slammed the door behind her nearly breaking it in the process and as she walked into the garage everyone stared as they obviously heard the argument. Y/n's media manger walked over to her and told her it was time to prepare for podium celebration so they walked over to where they'd be doing it and she went over to the second floor and waited to be called on, first Max was called up and he looked at her momentarily before going on but Y/n starred at the ground and he knew the way he was acting was truly not the way to respond to her winning. Lewis was up next and saw how Y/n was acting and went up to her before.

"What's got you in a foul mood love?" She shook her head trying to dismiss his question but he persisted kindly.

"I just wish Max would acknowledge that this win is good for me and that he wouldn't just focus on the fact that I had to overtake him" He smiled at her and hugged her before going up after being called.

"AND YOUR REDBULL RING GRAND PRIX WINNER Y/N L/N!" The cheers from the team we're very loud as were those of the crowds and Y/n did her best to put on a smile while up there and she waved at everyone shaking hands with Max for show and Lewis as well. She took her spot in the center of both drivers and was handed her trophy of the circuit and she held it up for everyone smiling knowing she deserved it. Then out of nowhere the champagne was sprayed at her from both sides and she had no chance of getting them back, she smiled widely and all three took podium pictures and then headed down to third garages for their respective team picture. Redbull team set up the sign with both drivers positions and they all huddled for a picture. After the chaos Y/n went back to her room to change to head out of the circuit and over to where they'd be celebrating with other racers at some club in the city. Once dressed into some what baggy jeans, team crew neck and her shoes she grabbed her backpack and said her goodbyes to her team and walked over to scan out and walked over to her car but was stopped by someone calling her name and when she turned around it was Max and boy had she wished she kept walking.

"Listen I want to apologize for the way I acted towards you and your win, it was completely immature of me but understand that what they did was absolutely painful to me" She nodded crossing her arms.

"I know but either way we suck it up and support one another no matter what" He nodded and walked closer grabbing her hands.

"I should've congratulated you like you always do for me, you're are one of the most talented drivers I know and a badass women too, you've paved the way for so many other females that want to be in this sport. I was just envious of you winning" She looked at him and hugged him tightly a hug in which he returned and they held one another for quite a while not wanting to let each other go. When they pulled away Max smiled at her and she was confused on why he had such a cheeky grin.

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