Chapter 47

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Beth's POV:

"I swear if we are late because of you I will consider homicide." Jesy said while all of us were rushing to the elevator.

"Aye! It's not my fault you told me the meeting was at 11 when it actually is at 10." Leigh replied out of breath.

Today we are meeting with Universal Music. It's already a good sign that they agreed on a meeting. I have a feeling that they will take us and maybe we can even get them to agree to all of our terms.

I looked at my phone and let out a sigh of relief, "Relax guys. We aren't even late. We still have four minutes and we are almost there so all is fine."

Soon enough we were at the reception and we were lead to a meeting room with many men sitting inside. Unlike at Syco though there were also a few women so at least some female insight is present here.

"Welcome Ladies. Please take a seat." One of the men said.

And so we sat down. One of them stood up and started talking, "So we have gathered here today since you five applied for a position in Universal Music. Is that correct?"

"Yes that is indeed true." Jade answered. We've all agreed to let me and Jade do most of the talking.

"It is no secret that Little Mix has garnered up a lot of popularity and many many people are waiting for a comeback. It is also no secret that you five all separated on a rather bad note. So that leaves our question, can we trust that you won't abruptly disband again?" A man asked.

"We might have ended on a bad note before, but I believe it is important to mention that before that happened all of us were inseparable and had a pretty fantastic run for 9 years. I'm certain that everyone in this room can agree, had it not been for our previous record label, we would have had even more success. It's also quite reasonable to think that one day we all will agree on a good note to maybe go on a break. I mean we won't be young forever. Rest assured, it will take a long time before that  happens." I said.

Many of them nodded and then a women spoke up, "Say we do want to accept your application, what would your possible terms be. It's important to us that this kind of stuff is agreed on beforehand." She said.

"In general we wanna have creative freedom. We want to have the ability to release raw and impactful music. No matter what topic, we don't want to be forced to scrap songs just because it's too 'controversial'. Other than that we also want to have freedom in who we choose to be in a relationship with. We don't want to have restrictions based on gender or other similar stuff. And lastly, we really want to have a big reassurance in our contract that you will give us a fair amount of resources and supplies as well as tours." Jade answered.

They all looked at each other and another woman started speaking, "I think it's a fair point that you get to keep your creative freedom. The relationship aspect is also going to be no problem, neither is the resource aspect, though we must agree on what we all view as a fair amount."

"We broke many records for girl bands in only 9 years with a bad record label and multiple people making it their mission to tear us apart. Our comeback is highly anticipated, it would be a great opportunity for Universal to be even more known if you take on us. No doubt that you don't need us, but it certainly wouldn't hurt you to take on us. If you take all these things into consideration I think it's pretty easy to determine what a fair amount of resources are." I said.

For the next 30 minutes we all talked about how we want to proceed, they finally all agreed to sign us and we all smiled at each other.

"Well, it was a pleasure doing business with you. You two are quite the negotiators." A man said standing up smiling, addressing me and Jade.

"Thank you, we tried our best." Jade answered smiling.

They gave us a copy of the contract which we didn't sign yet. We learned from our mistakes, we will look at it with multiple lawyers, including Sam and mostly her company.

"I think that went pretty well." I said in the elevator.

"Pretty well? You two smashed it!" Leigh said hugging us all.

"Yeah! I felt like I was watching Harvey Specter and Mike Ross live in action." Perrie said.

"Well what can I say except, you're welcome." Jade sang lightly.

Her and Perrie broke into singing the song while Leigh joined in and me and Jesy both ushered them out to the car.


After the meeting we all went to grab food and then made our way to Comtazic headquarters. They are quite known for their PR and we definitely need a good company for that.

It was rather unspectacular. They wanted to know which record label we have and we told them that we are close to signing in with Universal. They also put up a contract with all of our input and we again took a copy to look at it with professionals

Finally, we made our way to Sam and her law firm. She expected us and took out her best employees so they could look at the contracts with her.

We entered the building and made our way directly to Sam's office. She opened the door and let us all in.

"Let's get on with it." She said and read through both of them very carefully.

"Yeah okay, there is no way they can screw you over. There are no hidden meanings or anything like that. If they do something that on here, you can easily threaten to sue them, or well make that threat a reality." She said.

Just to be safe though, she asked 2 of her trusted employees and they also read through the contract very carefully, both of them not finding any problems in it.

We all smiled and thanked her. Tomorrow we will go there again to now sign the contracts.

"Oh I am so ready to write songs again." I said smirking.

They all smirked too and we all separated our ways to go home.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards gxg) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now