Chapter 8

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Beth's POV:

It was the next day and my voice is still gone. The girls were bummed out just like me. I really wanted to perform.

So I sat around while they got ready. I was bored. And while they perform I have my session with my therapist.

"5 minutes!" Paul yelled.

"Right done. All of you are ready to go." Kat said.

"Okay. Thanks Kat and El." They said and went to get miced.

I sat there bored out of my mind. There's not much I could do till my session starts.

Plus I can't talk so I'll have to type all of my answers.

I went to a separate room taking my laptop with me.

I set it all up and now there were 5 minutes left.

Finally a call came in and I accepted it.

"Hello Beth. Hope you are doing good today." Dr. Parker said.

I simply waved.

"Ah yes. Your voice is gone." She mumbled probably remembering.

"Have you thought about what I've told you?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Well... what do you think?" She asked.

I typed out my reply.

I think that my life turned out this way because it's my fault. I must have done something for so much bad things to happen to me. This doesn't just happen out of nowhere.

Her original question was simple. Why did I think these things were happening to me?

She hummed, "Okay... so answer me this, the other people in the world, do you believe they deserve their suffering? The people in this world that starve, the children that just opened their eyes for the first time, but still don't have food. Do they deserve it because they have... 'done' something?" She asked.

I frowned.

Of course not.

"Well then why should you deserve it? Why should your actions have made this happen? When in the end, bad stuff happens to good people all the time. To everyone. No one has a life without loss, or grief. No one ever lives a perfect live. It's impossible. That gas leak? It was a thing that happened because of chemistry. Because well... Gas and a night lamp that was turned on? End disastrous. And to top it all off, that night lamp wasn't even on because of you. So if you really look for someone to blame... then it is your little cousin Isabelle that used said night lamp to fall asleep." She said.

My heart hurt. I would never blame her. It's not her fault.

It is not her fault. We were in that mansion because of me in the first place.

I underlined the me to make her understand what I can't let go of.

"Beth... I'm gonna give you a few scenarios, and you will tell me who's fault it was that they occurred." She said and then started telling me five different stories.

"So in all of them... you can't fault anyone?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Well how can you blame yourself then? Because in theory, all these scenarios match yours." She said

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