Chapter 32

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Perrie's POV:

Once Sam and Noah stepped outside, we were a little confused, Sam took her bag and jacket while Noah handed Josie her jacket.

"Where are we going?" Josie asked.

"Home. We are going home." Noah said.

"What about Beth?" Josie asked, a small frown between her eyebrows.

"It was her request, I'll explain on the way home babe." He said kissing her cheek.

Noah and Sam then turned towards the four of us.

"I swear to god, if I find out one of you messed up again, I'll personally hunt you down." Sam said very seriously.

We all nodded accidentally in sync.

"Yeah that will always be creepy." Noah mumbled and then sighed.

"We are serious, this is your last chance. Don't mess it up again. Stop behaving like kids. Especially to each other. You know exactly how Beth feels when you guys hurt each other." Noah said.

Then without another word, the three of them left the hospital and I was a little conflicted now that they were gone.

Who was gonna push anyone to do anything now? All of us are too stupid to just apologise.

After a few minutes Jesy sighed and grabbed the door handle looking back at us briefly, "What are we waiting for?" She mumbled and then stepped inside.

We all reluctantly followed suit. Inside Beth was still barely able to move and she still didn't look at us. Because of the cervical collar she was a little limited meaning she only looked straight ahead either way.

There was silence for quite a while. I'm really not in the place to speak up first. We have to move at Beth's pace.

"What? Are you just gonna stand there? Or do you plan on sitting anytime soon?" She asked and then faux gasped, "Or are you gonna talk?"

Once again silence came but Jade took the first step and sat down again, and once again the rest followed suit slowly.

"Well that's at least some development." Beth mumbled.

"You can rest if you want to, we will still be here afterwards." Leigh-Anne finally spoke up.

"Sure you will." Beth said not believing us one bit, but apparently the pharmaceuticals she was on were strong since she still fell asleep right after.

Once she fell asleep, all of us released a little tension from our shoulders.

Minutes passed which then turned into half an hour.

Just as the time was about to hit the hour mark, Jade spoke up, "I think we all need to seriously talk."

I almost let out a sigh of relief, the silence was killing me.

Jesy shifted in her seat, clearly more than a little uncomfortable, and said, "How will we start though?"

Again, silence happened. How would we know? After all, we all apparently suck.

"How about starting by apologising?" Leigh then spoke up.

All of us nodded once again on accident in sync.

Finally I felt like it was my turn to speak and so I let everything out I've been holding onto, "I'm so sorry for all of the stupid things I said. I was way out of line. I never should've said what I said or belittle your emotions or your roles in Little Mix. Your feelings mattered and they still do and I'm sorry I was too stupid to realise back then what I did. I invalidated them when I never had the right to do that. You guys felt like you didn't matter in Little Mix anymore and that couldn't have been further from the truth and I'm so sorry."

Tears were burning my eyes. Why was I such a bitch back then? What the hell happened to me?

One glance upwards and the tears fell without mu control. Their cold and indifferent expressions disappeared and I was met by the expressions of the people who I still call my sisters.

There was warmth, remorse, love, compassion and so many other good emotions in their eyes.

Finally Jade stood up and rushed to hug me making me stand up as well.

I felt her body shake and I knew she was crying too. Her hold on me tightened and mine on her did as well. God I missed them.

Finally we let go and right behind Jade, Jesy stood also suffocating me once again.

The relief my heart felt was insane. The relief of them not hating me anymore.

Once Jesy let go, Leigh wasted no time and hugged me as well.

"I forgive you." Leigh whispered with a shaky voice, "God I forgave you the second you spoke up." She sniffed.

I smiled to myself through the tears.

When she pulled away the three of them hugged individually as well.

Then we all sat down and Leigh sighed, "My turn. Perrie I'm so sorry for causing you and Beth to fight. Or for making you feel like your relationship was bad or an inconvenience to us. We never had the right to talk about how you should be or how you should do something. We should have never let our jealousy get the better of us. I'm really sorry." She said and sniffed.

I smiled at her letting her know it's all fine.

"I'm sorry too." Jade spoke up, "We really shouldn't have ever said anything about you guys. We now know that our manager on purpose didn't tell you that we wouldn't show up. They knew what they were doing and we should have had more faith in you guys instead of believing that you two didn't want us around anymore." She said.

I nodded and said a quiet, "All forgiven."

Jesy then spoke up, "I'm sorry for blaming you for the disbanding Leigh and Jade. After all we all caused it. Well except for Beth. I'm sorry Perrie for everything I said that hurt you." She said and wiped her tears away.

We all let out a big sigh of relief.

I then mumbled, "I missed you all so fucking much."

They all nodded in agreement.

"So... how are we gonna fix this with Beth?" Jesy asked nodding towards Beth.

"Can we even do that? I mean seriously, we treated her so badly for no reason. We blamed her although she was on our side and hated how everything played out. She never even argued with us." Jade said.

"No you guys still can fix it. I'm sure she isn't nearly as hurt by you as she is by me." I said knowing how hard I will have to work to get her back.

After a moment of hesitation Leigh asked, "What happened the night she left Perrie?"

I closed my eyes as tears flowed down. How could I do this to her? God I'm an idiot.

So I told them everything. Every little thing I said, every little emotion on Beth's face and her own words.

They all sat there very quietly, then finally Jesy spoke up, "We will all fix this. You as well, Pez. We will all be here. I want to become Little Mix again. And I really hope y'all wanna do that as well."

"Oh hell yes." Jade blurted out.

"Yeah no question, being a solo act sucks." Leigh said as well with widened eyes.

They all looked at me and I nodded quickly, "I was hoping that all of you wanted that."

And that night, it truly felt like everything would be all right soon.

We were still a little awkward, mind you we haven't talked in 3 years, but it would all be better again soon. We would be stronger again.

And although we haven't talked in so long, I still love them to bits and pieces.

One look on the bed and I had my mind set, I will make sure you will be happy again, Elizabeth Fields.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards gxg) Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن