Chapter 34

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Beth's POV:

I woke up the next morning quite early. Well early for normal people's standards.

The sun was barely rising and the sky had this blueish tint to it. All of the girls looked so relaxed while asleep, a nice contrast to their tense behaviour while awake.

I mean I know their tension is mostly my fault, but hey, they deserved it okay?

My bladder seriously is about to explode so I really need to stand up somehow.

The problem is I can't even use my arms to hold me up or something. Seriously I'd have to fall down from the high bed and then crawl to the toilet. How I'd hoist myself up on the toilet? I have no clue.

But the alternative would be wetting myself, yeah definitely not happening.

This cervical collar wasn't really a big help either.

I pulled out the IV and winced a little. I used my right leg to feel the floor and put all of my weight on it. Okay yeah that's working.

But as soon as I actually stood up from the bed completely, I felt how numb my right leg was from not being used and I cursed silently.

Slowly I lowered myself to the ground, all that while trying not to move my neck or using my left leg.

Now I really was crawling, but only using my right leg which was really hard, since I couldn't use my left knee.

Slowly but surely, I made it to the door and I opened it. Then I closed it and found there was no lock, probably better that way because who knows what's gonna happen to me in here if I'm not careful.

Now that I was in front of the toilet that's a real dead end. How the hell am I meant to get up there?

I used my left elbow and put it on the sink to pull myself up, careful not to move my wrist though. Then I made use of my right leg and stood upright.


I did my business and found cleaning up is gonna be more trouble as well. Why did they have to put the sling around my right hand as well? It was fine.

I tried to pull the sling back a little and it worked so much that I was able to get done here.

God, next time I may have to actually ask for help.

I crawled back to my bed and sighed. How I will get up there? It's way higher than the toilet.

My options were really limited, so I chose to stay seated here for a second to rest a little. This entire thing drained my energy already.

I found myself falling asleep slowly and I know later on that's gonna definitely be mentioned and frowned upon, but who the fuck cares?


Perrie's POV:

I woke up the next morning around 10 am and when I looked around I saw Beth sleeping in a sitting position whilst leaning against the wall next to her bed instead of lying on it.

Immediately I stood up and checked out if anything looked worse. The girls were still asleep and I was debating on what to do.

The floor is very cold and if we had not been given very thick blankets we'd probably have frozen to death. And she is sitting on the floor with nothing to warm her up.

Great, instead of recovering she is also gonna get a cold probably.

Should I carry her? But I'm too scared to hold her wrong and then make everything worse. Especially about her neck I'm worried. I don't know to what extent she is in danger with her neck but I really don't want to risk accidentally breaking her neck or something.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards gxg) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now