Chapter 5: A Question of Morality

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Chapter 5: A Question of Morality

Authors note: so, I have two ideas on where I want to take this story; one where Sans is in Slytherin and sides with Voldemort, and one where he is in Gryffindor and goes along with Harry and CO's shenanigans. So, here's another chance for you to alter the story!

The two large doors swung open, bathing the first year students in golden torchlight. Professor McGonagall stepped out into the torchlight, nodding at Sans and the other monsters before turning to Hagrid.

"Do you know her?" Harry whispered to Sans surreptitiously,

"Met her once. Very stern, but seems nice"

McGonagall cleared her throat, looking pointedly at Sans and Harry, "Ah-hem. I will take you from here."

The large doors opened further, revealing an entry hall at least the size of the Grillz diner. Lit with torches, the ceiling was difficult to make out due to its immense height and dark shadows. A marble staircase was at the end of the hallway, leading to the upper floors of the castle.

The gaggle of first years followed Professor McGonagall down the hallway, hearing raised voices somewhere to their right. McGonagall led the group past the voices, and into aa small, dimly lit chamber at the end of the hallway. The new students crowded into the room, jostling each other due to the crampt space. McGonagall closed the door once every student was in, and spoke.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" she said in a well-practiced voice, "The start-of-term banquet..."

Sans decided to doze off at this point. Was listening about banquets really all that important? If he missed something, he'd just ask Undyne or Papyrus. Having mastered the ability to sleep anywhere at anytime, Sans slept with his eyes open, standing. Once McGonagall had left the room, the sound of the door closing woke the skeleton and he jolted up with a start.


Undyne rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder, "I still don't know how you do that. Hell, sometimes I can't get to sleep for hours!"

"Lotsa hard work, yanno? Spent months training the art of laziness."

Undyne snorted, but clued Sans in on what McGonagall had said. Leaning over to their current source of wizard information, Sans asked Ron if he knew anything about the process.

"Some sort of test, I think. Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking"

"You have a jokester in your family?"

"Two, Fred and George are twins. They're in Gryffindor, like the rest of my family."

Sans grinned, excited about meeting two potential new allies to help him with his pranks. That grin quickly vanished, however, when he fully realized Ron's words. A test? I don't know any human magic. I haven't even seen it other than that teleportation and cloaking spell! Damn it, I should have payed more attention to those. Sans was thinking about potential strategies. His magic capability and potential was immense, according to his Dad, but he was only really skilled in some blue magic and bone attacks. Healing magic was possible, as well as karmic magic but neither of those would be useful.

Sans was suddenly surprised out of his musings when multiple screams sounded behind him. Whirling around, he let his eye burn yellow as he searched for the source of the panic. The Eye of Truth, however, was not needed as he soon realized what had caused the disturbance. A group of twenty ghosts had flown through the floor, terrifying most of the first years.

According to Gaster, there were supposed to be no monsters left on the surface... so what were these things?

Burning his eye yellow once again, Sans sought out one of the ghosts, peering into it.

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