" G he most definitely would take them home but he got his eyes on something else tonight" Laurence said with a cheeky grin.

" hello Draven" a woman walked in hips swaying left to right , with a short tight black dress on leaving little to the imagination. Her red hair complimented her light olive skin, and the combination of that face and body was almost intoxicating.

"Speak of the devil" G said getting up and shooting one last shot down before going in to the dancing crowd.

" fuck off, garret" she said as she nestled her self under my arm.

" Laurence that includes you too" she said sternly.

" Fine! But I'm taking the bottle" he left with the bottle in his hand not noticing it's was one sip away from being empty. I laughed at the sight.

" baby so what time are you thinking of leaving this party" Lisa said as she traced her fingers down my chest to the belt of my pants. I look at her, behind her eyes where full with desire and devilish thoughts. And i could never turn down such an invitation to her ... and her body.

We left the party and headed to my place. As we entered my apartment. It wasn't a second after that her body was onto mine. Soon clothes were off and our bodies started a rhythm on my bed. Moans of my name and curse's came out of her mouth, making sex even better.

Right after we'd finished, she was already out the door , I never cared why she would never stay the night , but it made it easier for me to kick her out. It was a routine for us and I liked it and she loved it so it was a win win in my books.
I this morning I got ready for work. In that office is where I feel the most at home. Surrounded by success.

Business has been booming and selling diamonds have never been easier.

"Abby" my wonderful assistant " will you please get me a rundown of our charts comparing marketing and the relations to our profits." I say as I tap on to her desk as I walk by.

" yes sir" she says propping up from her desk and heading to a different room.

I walk in to my office and sit down. I organize my desk to my liking and begin working, I make a couple conference calls and send some emails back to potential investors.

An hour passed and Abby comes in with her laptop in hand with a nervous look across her face.

" I finished collecting the charts"

I sit up straight and face her direction.

" it's not looking to well" she said as she passes the laptop down to me.
My face hardens getting ready to face what lyes on the screen.

" I don't understand what I'm looking at" I say looking back up at Abby.

" ok so, basically our consumers are not responding to our current marketing decisions and it's affecting our business"

" So what dose that mean , Abby" I say sternly.

" it means we are loosing our profits , fast " she said with a worried expression.

"Fuck" I groan as I lean back in to my chair pushing my hair out of my face. I spoke too soon.

" So dose our team have a plan of changing this mess?!" I continue.

" Yes! Actually they have decided to to do a rebranding"

" what wrong with my fathers original branding of the company!" I asked offensively.

" well they think they need to make it more modern and young to appeal to the current audiences"

I sat on that thought of rebranding for a good minute before I spoke.

" fine , but how are they going to execute this plan"

" We'll make a new necklace , earrings, and ring design and a new advertising cover and slogan and once that is done we'll will do a party to celebrate the new look, inviting famous celebrities to wear our new look and investors for more investments in to our company" she say proudly.

" And you are sure that'll work " I question.

" absolutely, we just need to get a designer to execute the cover."

" Alright find the designer and make sure they show me every design I want to make sure this is perfect" I say as I pass her laptop back.

" I'll get right on it sir ,"

This is not how I expected my day to begin.

Ring! Ring ! Ring!

I pick up my phone , to see it was my dad calling.

" Draven, your mother wants to have dinner next Sunday and would like you to stay the whole weekend" he said with no emotion in his voice.

" hello to you to father" I say annoyed.

" yeah" he says brushing me off " I also want to talk about the state of my company, John tells me that things aren't going well" my dad continues.

That fucking baby monitor I'm going to kill him. How did he know already I just found out!

" ok I'll be there"  I said as I ended the call.

Fucking helll.

Thank you for reading please ignore any grammar errors.

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