[AU] Christmas Part 2

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The journey was uncertain, nerve-wracking, and somewhat ominous near the end when, against expectations, the sky darkened, having been flurried by shaggy clouds, and, instead of showering out rain and spewing out thunders, it sent snow.

In other circumstances, a delighting sight to Himiko; now less appreciated and noticed, as she was thinking intensely about that forbidden guest who was sleeping somewhere below her; stuck to that Christmas tree: an oversized acorn; and in need of just a bit of shaking to be got rid of! She suspected that Kokichi's plans for what to do next were no less outlandish, and that it was her task from preventing him getting caught. The task already too tiring for her to think about, but her stubborn love wouldn't be overcome.

After experiencing brief difficulties with ploughing through the abounding snow, the coaches reached the school; the emerging students partly sleepy from the journey, though quickly reinvigorated by the remembrance of what was to come: a Christmas party; but what do you mean, you mean-spirited teachers; the students have to prepare everything themselves, as well? And so, everyone's enthusiasm sunk down again.

''All of you are so lazy!'' Aoi encouraged them in her peculiar manner, half encouraging and half rebuking, before anyone had the time to get started. ''Nekomaru, leave the gingerbreads alone!''

''Sorry, just some quality management on my part, hahaha,'' Nekomaru, boisterous as ever, left the gingerbreading for Teruteru, and went to help Sakura out with setting up the trees.

''Has anyone seen an extension cable? I left it near the stairs, but it disappeared,'' Kazuichi said, wandering pointlessly around the lobby. ''Leon, was it you?''

''Stop blabberin' about cables. I ain't got nothing!'' Leon rebutted, but the speaker and microphone he was carrying with him hinted at another concert idea of his, the ill-fortuned extension cable likely being its unwilling participant.

''Could you cease this needless commotion?'' Kirumi ordered, piercing the two with her gaze. ''Arguing back and forth won't resolve this situation.''

''That's right, Kirumummy! Show the boys how it's done!'' Ibuki cheered in the distance.

''Please refrain from calling me such names.'' Mummy retorted.

''Seriously, what's wrong with you lot? Don't you think that she might find it embarrassing?!'' Mahiru joined in, furious at the boys, who eyed each other confusedly.

''What do you mean, what's wrong with us? We didn't say a thing to her!'' Leon shouted; backed up by Kazuichi.

''Mahiru, were you even listening? It was obviously Ibuki who called her 'Kirumummy'.''

''Ah, so you have the audacity to continue saying it?''

''That's not what I. . . Argh, whatever!''

''That's what I thought''

Himiko stood by, watching this chaos worsen from increasingly insignificant causes; no concern whatsoever for it, however, since she had to be vigilant to spot Kokichi; and when the tree was brought into the lobby, she couldn't keep her eyes away from it, aware that this was the one, and that the guest was close to being exposed - his pathetic camouflaging very much responsible.

They carry it in; place it; move it according to the dirigation of maestro Kaede; maestro not satisfied, with the lighting and the possibility of the tree catching fire from the fireplace, so Sakura and Nekomaru continue their little trip, settling down the tree on the other side of the lobby: maestro now quite satisfied, and dirigates the others for baubling, tinseling, garlanding, wreathing and whatnot: a gaudy, dazzling display; likely to be admired by the Luminary of the Stars, whose only luminosities for now were those in the kitchen: pans and pots to be cleaned until they shine, while Teruteru was rapidly making one meal after another.

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