Chapter 2 - Tear

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Himiko remained on the floor, confused why she fell and why everyone rushed up to her. 

''Hiimiko, a-are you al-right?'' stuttered Tsumiki. 

''Nyeh, yes. Just surprised that this happened. Sorry guys,'' she said.

''Why are you apologising?'' Fuyuhiko asked, ''It was that clown's fault.'' He added and turned towards Kokichi. Himiko then heard some shouting, but was more concerned about her hat. 

''Where is my hat?'' 

''Maybe stand up first, Himiko, and check for any bruises,'' advised K1-B0 and helped her get up. She in turn took a brief look at herself and then quickly started looking for her hat. She met Kokichi's gaze. He, however, did not say anything. He immediately left the class and her hat on a nearby table. 

Himiko took her hat and stared at the closed classroom door with frustration. Why is he doing this? What's the point? We barely know each other, but he treats me like some plaything, she thought, squeezing the brim of her hat. 

''Would you, Himiko, like me to deal with Kokichi? I'm very well acquainted with people's concept of revenge. The most suitable action in this situation would be to prank Kokichi.'' K1-B0 said. Himiko shook her head.

''I wouldn't want that,'' she said, ''Because that might make things even more tense. I would like to know why he picks on me!'' 

''No matter what you would like him to tell you, you cannot allow yourself to be treated in this way all the time,'' Peko said, ''Although I'm not sure how frequently he performs his 'pranks' on you.''

''It's fine, don't worry,'' Himiko responded and headed to the dorms. 


At the dorms Himiko was thoroughly questioned by Tenko about what had happened. Some people mentioned Himiko's accident briefly outside the class and so Tenko was bound to be informed of it, either on the day or the next. She only heard some words about Kokichi's prank, but that sufficed to make her rage. 

''What do you mean, 'it's nothing'?! We must prank him in return or I will kick that degenerate's ass personally!''

''I don't think he will do anything again,'' Himiko said. She was convinced that after what happened Kokichi might pick on someone else to draw less attention on himself; his pranks being a part of his talent did not make him exempt from the possibility of being expelled. Himiko would not wish for that to happen to anyone, no matter what, but some people have less patience and understanding than her, which might end up badly for Kokichi.

''You said the exact same thing last time,'' Tenko said and crossed her arms. 

''I've used my magic. I'm sure he won't do it again,'' Himiko stated defiantly and started to change until she noticed that her hat was damaged. Several threads were sticking out of it and a large tear became very apparent when the hat was slightly stretched. 

''Did he do this?!''Tenko asked and her face was painted with rage again. 

''I'm sure I can fix this easily with Tsumugi's help. Maybe she will sew it for me.''

''So you're letting that degenerate go unpunished, even after he damaged your magical hat?''

''I've already told you: this is the last time,'' Himiko said with frustration and left the dorms. It was too late for her to visit Tsumugi's so she headed to the library. 

In the library she met Taka who praised her diligence and reminded her about the benefits of consistent study and punctuality. She agreed with him while he left her to continue his reading. Himiko wandered around bookshelves with volumes and tomes about magic and alchemy. She was not able to read even a single page as she kept on thinking about Kokichi's prank. It was heartwarming that everyone stood up for her, but she did not want to depend on others so much. One day she will leave Hope's Peak and then she will have to mostly depend on herself. She could also continue studying magic which would require as much responsibility and self-reliance. Either way, she somewhat wanted Kokichi to try something one last time so that she could handle the situation and to show everyone that she wasn't a helpless victim in all of this - or at least to reassure herself. 

With these things in mind Himiko returned to the dorms.

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