Chapter 20

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Minam decided to let Jaemin and Sohyun do the second floor's cleaning since he couldn't tolerate the sight of two lovebirds. He preferred to clean the first floor all alone in peace.

As Minam finished cleaning up, he picked up the large bucket filled with dirty water to empty into the garden. He stepped out of the bathroom and groaned, "Agh... My whole body aches."

Minam took a few steps forward while he glanced outside through the hallway window. Then, an idea formed in his mind out of laziness. He checked his surroundings carefully to see if someone was watching him or not.

"Nobody is gonna know. Hehe..."

When he approached one of the open windows, he threw the water out quietly yet quickly.


A scream made Minam jolt back in fear. He then put his hands on the window frame and leaned forward to see who had just screamed. "Oops!"

When Minam looked down, he saw Yohan completely drenched in the water he had just thrown away.

Yohan lifted his head up to see who did that to him, but Minam squatted down right away, trying to hide.


Minam stood up and peeked his head outside, scared. "Sorry, little mouse. I didn't know you were there..."

"Wasn't what you did yesterday enough? Are you planning to bully me for fun now?!" Yohan gritted his teeth as he glared at Minam, feeling frustrated.

Minam shook his head in response. "No! I'm telling you it was an accident!"

Yohan whined like someone who needed an excuse to let go of the tears that he had been holding. "Why is... everyone... hic... so cruel to me?... hic..." He then cried even louder. "Aaagh... I smell like... Waaaaahhh..."

Minam stared at him for a few minutes and said, "Maybe you just need to drop the act and be your true self, you know?"

"You're not... qualified to... say that!..." Yohan mumbled in the middle of his sobbing. "What did I do to deserve this shit?! How can I go home like this? Waaaahhh... I don't have any spare clothes."

"Wait here for a moment," Minam said and rushed to the second floor, entering the classroom. He then opened his locker and grabbed his sports uniform.

Leaving the building, he found Yohan still crying in the garden. Minam approached him and grasped his wrist. "Come with me."

Yohan yanked his hand away from his grip. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Minam frowned and grabbed him by his arm, dragging him. "You can use the pool's showers. I got the keys since I need to clean them too."

Yohan dropped his head and followed him as he felt a lump in his throat.

"What were you doing there anyway?" Minam asked as they walked.

Yohan replied hesitantly, "I needed some time alone... to think."

"Losing someone you were interested in isn't the end of the world, you know? You can always find a new one." Minam said calmly.

"It's easy for you to say this since you've never been in love," Yohan muttered in response. However, Minam didn't say anything more.

Yohan glanced up, looking at Minam's back. What's wrong with this guy seriously?...


As they entered the pool, they walked straight to where the showers were. Then Minam hung the clothes on a hanger and said, "I'll wait outside."

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