Page 01 - Untold Tale

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Your outfit for now

The group was utterly mesmerized by the paper samurai battling with some sort of creature they don't know of and it won

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The group was utterly mesmerized by the paper samurai battling with some sort of creature they don't know of and it won. They weren't listening to the story as they were more interested in your power.

When the story ended, everyone applauded and gave you the money as they dispersed. While you were busy collecting and counting the money, you didn't notice the group of four walking towards you.

"Excuse me. Are you the storyteller that everyone was talking about?"

You looked up and raised a brow. "And if I am?"

"How did you do that? The magic that all those paper that flew and moved by itself"

Your voice hitched. You were hesitant about whether to tell them or not. They don't seem to be someone suspicious so maybe you could . . .

"I use my shamisen to manipulate the origami with music. I can do other things with it but I don't have full control nor how to do it yet" you explained while also cautiously watching the situation silently.

"Wow, that is so cool!!" Shanks exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes. "Can you control other things besides origami? Or maybe you can do-"

"Calm down, Shanks. You're scaring the kid"

Everyone turned their attention behind them and saw the captain and the first mate walking toward the group in front of them.

Ah, that must be their acquaintances. I should take advantage of this and get out of here.' You thought as you sneakily walk away and left the scene while the group are talking.

"We met the storyteller that everyone's talking about!! They're right here!!" Shanks turned around but you weren't there.

"Eh? Where are they?"

"They must've run off because you're being too loud with your questions" Buggy snickered.

"That's enough, you two" Rayleigh stopped their bickering. "You've already done your exploring so let's go and get supplies"

"Oh, come on, Rayleigh. Give them a chance and we haven't got a good look at the kid who disappeared on us earlier"

He sighed. "Fine. We'll stay for a while but we'll leave once we got everything we need"

"Woohoo!! Thanks, captain!!"

Meanwhile, you were at your mountain cave, far away from the town. You changed your clothes into something comfortable.

Your new clothes

Your new clothes

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