Chapter IV: Him?

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"Now just pull the string back and hook the skin between your index finger and thumb behind your jaw, like I showed you." 
"Like that, Uncle Y/N?"
"Exactly like that. Now, concentrate on your target and when you're ready, let go of the string."
With a faint wooshing sound the arrow glid through the air and landed in the grass next to the target. "Oh, damn it! I missed again!" You got down to Jack's level. "Now, now. You've gotten much better since the last time we practised. Chin up, kiddo, one day you'll hit the target." 
Jack nodded and went to pick up his arrow.

"He's improving fast, isn't he?" You looked behind you. Arthur stood there, hands on his belt. "Yeah", was all you said. 
"So", he started, stepping next to you, "You went to bed pretty early yesterday night. Everything alright? I mean, with your shoulder I guess you need rest." You looked to your boots and then back up at him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little confused, I guess." Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. "Confused about what?" You sighed. "Arthur, will you ride with me?"

The sky was tinted in an orange color and the sun was only sending a few sunbeams over the hills. "Something's on your mind and I know it." You looked to Arthur, who was riding on the right side of the rode. "I want you to know that you can always talk to me, alright?" You nodded and took a deep breath. You stopped your horse.

"Arthur, what's love feel like?" He was seemingly taken aback by your question, but stopped his Thoroughbred in front of you. "Love?", he asked, slightly confused. "I figured you'd know, seeing you've been with Mary and Eliza." Arthur thought for a moment before smiling and saying "Who are we talking about here? Who's the lucky girl?" 

You opened your mouth to come up with a lie. "Well, I'm not sure if it's love, that's why I wanna know what it's like." 
"Tell me about her." You spurred your horse slightly, telling it to walk forward, thinking for a moment before answering. 

"She's gorgeous, for one. The most beautiful person I've ever seen", you thought for the right words. "And she's nice to me, real nice. I just want to be around her all the time, you know?" 
"What do you feel when you're around her?", Arthur asked curiously. Taking a deep breath, you answered. "Warm. I feel warm and safe and like I never want to leave. Arthur, I do think I love him." 

Arthur stopped abruptly and turned his head to you, tilting it slightly. "Him?"

Guns and Bourbon-Arthur Morgan x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now