Chapter I: Open up, it's me

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"I wanna see what you got behind that door back there. Now!", Arthur yelled, the gunsmith visibly growing with fear. "Nothing, just a back terrace", he stuttered, "Where people go relax and just get away from everything." Both Arthur and you weren't convinced. You were blocking off the main entrance and shot the outlaw a look that he could read perfectly. Saint Denis was a busy town, you were certain that you didn't have much time before the law would come.

He took a step closer and the shopkeeper flinched. "Okay, take it easy. I'm going to try to open that door for you!" The man went around a wall to unlock the back door and Arthur motioned you to move forward. "Open up, it's me", the gunsmith said, exchanging a few words with the man on the other side of the door as it opened. The other man was eager to unholster his firearm, but he took a bullet to the face before he could.

The smith was standing the alley, his hands in front of him in a desperate attempt to shield himself. This time you aimed at his head. He finally spoke. "Don't shoot, please", he pleaded, "There's a gambling den upstairs, third floor. The door at the end of the hallway." You chuckled at how compliant he was just now; he was no more than a weeping dog. "Thank you", you say, half-heartedly, before knocking him clean out. "Clear", you called out to Arthur, who was still in the shop, emptying the cash-register. 

He caught up to you and you ran to the third floor, Arthur busting the last door of the floor open, only to be greeted by a feller, who blocked the room. "Hey, this here's a private event. You'll have to leave." Arthur didn't waste any time, punching the man in the face. He fell, out cold. The room was occupied by three other men, all of them in defensive positions. "Don't do anything stupid. It's all right there on the table", one of them said. You kicked him in the face, making him scream. One of the other two fellers ran out of the room, cussing you out. Now more than serious you got down on his level, your eyes staring holes into him. "Run, boy", you whispered. The man nodded and stumbled out of the room.

As you got up to help Arthur deal with the other men, you notice that one of them had snuck up behind him. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?", you ask the degenerate, cocking your gun and putting the cold metal to his temple. "You folk will burn in hell", he yelped. "That so?", you ask, and a tone of false curiosity grew in your voice as you pushed the barrel of your pistol against his head. "I would hope so, friend. Don't suppose god would want to deal with me anyway." With that you pull the trigger, blood splattering over your clothes. You dropped the man's lifeless body to the ground and looked to Arthur, adrenaline still rushing through you. "You good?", you ask. "Just dandy", he answered panting. 

In the distance you heard faint whistles, indicating that the law were on their way. You look at Arthur, nodding and you both jumped out of the window onto the balcony. 

"What's the take?", you asked, looking around you nervously. The law was only a few blocks away. Arthur sighs. "65 bucks in total, take away half for camp and split it, that leaves each of us with...", he counted the bills, "$16.25." You groaned and he handed you your take. 

"There they are! Take them down!" Before you realised what was going on, bullets were raining down on both of you. "Shit", Arthur cursed, drawing his gun. You got into cover behind a wooden beam, reloading your pistol. "Looks like we'll have to shoot our way out", you yell, as you shot an officer. It didn't look too good for you; Arthur was fully exposed and in the law's line of fire. You aimed at a cop, when you realised he had his shotgun pointed to Arthur's head.

"Watch out!", you cried out, tackling the outlaw to the ground. The officer with the shotgun pulled the trigger as you jumped in front of Arthur. The bullet went straight into your shoulder, the impact making you black out for a brief second. Stinging pain quickly spread, you knew you were bleeding. "Fuck", you curse through your teeth as you got back into cover. Your shoulder was bleeding too much. You were beginning to feel the burning sensation creep up your shoulders, messing with your head.

"Y/N!", Arthur yelled, killing the last two officers before sliding towards you. "Ah, shit", he exclaimed when he saw your wound, "Come on, we gotta get outta here." He kneeled and picked you up, carrying you bridal-style. Arthur hurried down the stairs, you bleeding out in his arms. "Arthur", you croaked. 
He hushed you, before you blacked out, laying helplessly in his arms. 

Guns and Bourbon-Arthur Morgan x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now