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Ellie fell asleep in my lap after a bit. i feel her open her mouth and know what is about to happen. i grab a pacifier from my night stand drawer and place it in her mouth. My door opens revealing Alex. "i have a basketball game in a bit and i will be gone and Xavier is going to his Hockey game, we have money on the counter if you need something, call us if there is an emergency, love you" he puckers his lips at me and makes kissing noises. "get out of here, your gross" he laughs and shuts the door.

Ellie stirs a bit before her eyes flutter open. "hey Ellie" i move hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. "are you little" she shakes her head and takes out her pacifier. "can we cuddle, my back hurts"i nod and she smiles. 

i lay her down and crawl up next to her. i take off my shirt and spoon her. "i love you Ellie" "i love you to Zach" i place light kisses on her shoulders. "it tickles a bit" she giggles. her laugh sounds like angels calling.

"what shall we do for the rest of the day" she shrugs her shoulders. "um i dont know what shall we do for the rest of the day" she questions. "hm well Xavier and Alex are gone so we have the rest of the day to ourselves" she sighs. "i want to do something today but i dont know what" "well how about we get to know each other"

"hm okay!, what is your favorite season" she turns around to look at me. "winter" she gives me a gross look. "it is so Fall! Winter sucks here" i smile at her reaction. "whatever you say, when is your birthday?" "December 3rd" thats coming up, her birthday is in 2 weeks then. "me, Xavier, and Alex's birthday is March 21st" she kisses my lips. "what is better, Halloween or Christmas/Hanukkah if you celebrate it" i hate this question. "neither" her jaw drops.

"WHAT NEITHER what do you mean NEITHER" i shrug my shoulders, "we never celebrated holidays, even our birthday. we never had time" her open mouth turns into a frown. "we are so celebrating Halloween and Christmas/ Hanukkah if you are Jewish this year" she smiles.  "i am not Jewish and no we don't need to do that" she shakes her head. "i don't care" she smiles and kisses my lips before i can disagree.

"what is better, Cats or Dogs" "Dogs" she looks at me weird. "Cats are so much better" she shakes her head. "im getting bored of this, what should we do now" she sits up. "what should we do now" she throws her head back. "your a confusing and agravating man Zach" she looks around my room. 

"not much to do Kitten" she groans. "are you sure you have nothing here to do" i nod my head. "im sure" she groans. "what do you do in your free time?" 

"not much, i work out, go and see Alex or Xavier play the sports they play, work, go to clubs and bars, what do you do" she huffs. "anything i can do. Puzzles, color, amazon shop, regress, hang out with Mary, call Mary, go out with Mary, uh sleep, watch tv, go out to a coffee shop and write stories, organize anything i can, clean, shower, take a bath, read, draw, and go shopping myself" she lists off. 

"see i don't have a life, you do. i have nothing in this apartment to do" she eyes me. "im taking a shower" she leaves my room. "can i join" i smirk. "sure" she grabs a shirt from my closet and walks to my bathroom. 

----Time Skip----

after watching a few movies Alex and Xavier walked in smelling disgusting. "you two are gross" Ellie says. Alex smiles and opens the fridge. "one of you need to go grocery shopping im fucking starving" i roll my eyes. "we can order again, tomorrow i will go shopping" "im ordering pizza" i groan. "not again no, what would you like Ellie" i look at her. "Mc Donald's" she smiles. 

i take every body's orders. "im going to take a shower first, i hate feeling sweaty and sticky" Xavier walks out of his room with clothes and a towel. 

Alex starts yelling at Xavier because he wants to go first so he can cuddle with Ellie or something like that. "you are not coming anywhere near me" Ellie curls next to me and plugs her nose. "can i use-" "no" i say knowing he would ask to use my shower.

Ellie giggles and kisses my neck


sorry this chapter is a little shorter than my other ones

also sorry i didnt update for the past week, i took my winter break as a break for this also but i really hope you are enjoying it:)

Ellie's Roommates (DDLG)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt