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He's reading again. You don't even bother checking the name of book anymore, he can read three whole books in a day. Novels. Can't keep up with his rate.

These days, you're a lot freer with him. Cause fuck being careful. He's your only friend. He lets you do it. So, you touch him. Cling on to him too. Drag his chilled ass everywhere you want to.

The bench he is sitting on faces the playground where kids play. You leap on him from behind, squealing his name. Propelling your entire body weight on him, your arms squeezing around his neck and making him bend over entirely. His book falls down and his fingers brush your arm circling his neck. Warm fingers, yummy.

"Jungkook! Good morning to you too!"

"It's evening," he strains, pulling your arm off his neck.

"Unimportant," you wave him off. Jumping ahead and sitting beside him on the bench, a huge, silly grin on your face. After he agreed to your 'FWB' proposal, you feel he's not all that conserved as he lets out to be. You tried to be physical with him on lighter tones first which he allows, knowing you're just getting comfortable to his touch before something serious happens. Since it's you, he allows it.

"Cuddle?" He bends down to pick up the book which fell down and doesn't respond. "Fine, no cuddles then. Hug?" You open your arms with a smile knowing it's a waste of time yet you do it. Man is too anti-romantic for the shit you want. "Alright, it's a no hug day for me," you sigh, not loosing the idiotic smile on your face. "Like always..."

Both of you agreed to meet in the park near his apartment which was fine by you because you love parks. Surprisingly, he didn't decline your whining and agreed to come to the park. And, yes, now you do know where he lives. He lives alone though. Told you that he came here to study from his hometown, his parents owned an apartment here and now he lives in it.

"What do you wanna do today? Since, I'm assuming, you're done studying," you clarify because he might decline do to anything with you in the name of studying but you know he studied the entire afternoon. He can't find his way out now.

He shrugs and goes back to reading.

Indecisive as fuck.

Your lips drive out unknowingly, doesn't he wanna talk with you? Isn't he curious about anything? How can he live like this?

"I was planning on visiting the café near your house. Wanna give it a shot, Olaf?" Giggles fill up around him as you give him another one of your classic nicknames.

Before you stop giggling, he's already standing up and heading towards the park's exit. Putting his leather jacket back on, concealing the tattoo sleeve. His shoulder blades square against the smooth leather, gives tingles in your stomach. So hot.

Fuck, no, he's going away! Is it because you suggested a potentially dumb idea?

"Wha- Jungkook, where are you going?" You run behind him. Finally matching up to his pace after a few long steps. He's so tall, you can't even walk as fast as he does.

"Café," he says, walking ahead.

A smile adorns your lips and you jog along with him. "I knew you'd like the idea, Olaf." Landing a playful punch on his bicep, you say this. After the punch, your knuckles crack against his tough bicep and you understand that you should never hit like this again. He's so fucking built, it literally hurts your fingers.

"Ah," you moan. Pulling your hand back, examining it because the Brick Wall walking beside you stops for nothing. "What's the use of your workout if it hurts people?" You ask, mindlessly, not expecting a reply.

"Stamina," he whispers, throwing you a look.

An involuntary flutter runs through your heart because he answered. But, your entire face gets clouded with a cotton-candy-like glow. Blush, blush, blush. The extent to which his simple words affect you is really not deserved by your soft, little heart.

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