Chapter 11

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"Hey Lea, I'm leaving to New York for a weekend", I told her as I entered her dorm.
"Now", she asked me in disbelief.
"Yes, tonight."
"Sure thing love. Have fun and please take care."

I hugged her and told her I would. Then I left her room and packed my suitcase. Loki had called a taxi. He was waiting for me outside. I joined his company. He said "hi" and helped my get my suitcase in the car. We got in and left. He dropped us off at the airport. Loki paid and we got to our plane.

Once we got through the security and check-in, we were allowed to board the plane. We searched our seats and made ourselves comfortable. The plane took off and we left New Asgard behind.

During the flight I laid my head on Loki's shoulder. He was reading an Asgardian book.
"What is it about", I asked curiously.
"Two lovers", he answered.
"Romance? I didn't know you liked that genre", I mocked. "Fearsome God of Mischief read romance on the plane."
"Oh please", he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Care to read a little for me", I asked him. He nodded and laid his arm around me while reading. I listened to him, closely. His voice. So calming and beautiful. I closed my eyes and slowly felt myself fall asleep.

The plane touched ground. We picked up our stuff at the airport and left for the Compound. There was an agent waiting for us to take us there. We got in and left. Once we arrived I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Cap and Hulk talking on a bench. Tony was talking to a woman on the balcony. The Compound was huge!

Loki took my bags and led me inside. Cap and Hulk stopped us.
"Loki, who is she", Cap asked.
"She's a good friend of mine. We're going to see a play tonight. Now if you'll excuse us."

Loki pulled me inside before I could even say hi to Cap.
"Why was he not so friendly as I thought he would be", I asked Loki.
"Well after Thanos snapped, the Avengers had a difficult time and... Nothing for you to worry about. We're gonna have fun."

"You must be Loki's girlfriend", Tony entered our room.
"Mister Stark I-"
"You're speechless, I know. I'd be too if I would see myself walk into my room. Stunning. Anyway, what's the deal with you and Reindeer Games", he asked as he grabbed M&M's from Loki's bowl on his little table.
"I'm just a good friend on a visit."
"Right. Visit. Keep it decent over here. Friday will keep an eye on you two", he said and left the room.
"Ignore him. He's behaving like a idiot."

"Tony Stark requests that you call him either a genius ,billionaire, play-boy or philanthropist", Friday spoke. Loki rolled his eyes and continued making things cosy for us.

"So the play begins in an hour. I suggest we get ready."
"What do I wear", I asked as I picked out some outfits.
"Allow me."

With a wave of his hand he conjured me a new outfit. A dress nonetheless. A green one.
"Let me guess, to match you", I asked.
"Absolutely", he smiled. I took the dress and motioned my hand telling him to look away.
"There's nothing I haven't seen yet Freya", he teased.
"I don't want you to see the final results yet", I explained.

I turned around after changing outfits and told him he was allowed to look. He froze and looked at me. It was like he was trying to capture every detail in his mind. He stepped closer and held my shoulders.
"You look beautiful", he whispered. In his eyes was love and affection. I giggled. He chuckled. I held his face and brought it closer to mine. My lips touched his. Soft and gentle. His wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back, ever so passionately.

"Let's go my love", he said as he pulled back, "We don't wanna be late."

I smiled and packed my stuff. Loki opened the doors for me and we got in the car that was taking us to the theater. I looked outside the window as we drove through the streets of New York. My home. Loki touched my hand. I looked at him. He gave me a comforting smile.

Our car stopped in front of the theater and we got out. Then Loki asked my arm and we went inside. I held his arm as he led me further into the building. Then he asked for my coat and asked someone to lay it away together with his. The man was a little startled to see Loki. We got to our seats and sat down.

He kissed me gently and looked inside the brochure we had received.
"Ah here: 'Loki, God of Mischief, son of Odin. He couldn't get the throne of Asgard so he tried to become king of Earth. Hence the infamous attack on New York with his alien army Chitauri'.", he read aloud.
"Oh yes take that silly picture of me-"
"You look hot actually", I said.
"I know", he admitted. I chuckled.

The play started and the lights went down. A young man played Loki's part. He leaned his elbow on our armrest and had a very sceptical expression on his face. I laid my hand on his arm.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be alright. Relax", I whispered. He smiled and focust back on the scene.

After the play everyone gave the actors a big round of applause. Loki was less enthusiastic of course. We left the theater and went to the bar. I got us drinks and we sat down at a table in the corner. His arm around me. He kissed my cheek and we waited for the bartender to take our orders.

"A beer please", Loki said.
"I'll have the same."

The bartender walked away and Loki looked back at me.
"Did you like the play", I asked.
"Oh yeah, it was nice. You?"
"It was fun. Not so sure if it was all true though. I think they added drama."
"Of course they did. Otherwise it wouldn't have been as good."

I nodded and another girl arrived with our drinks. We thanked and paid her. Loki took a sip from his beer and seemed satisfied by the taste. I did the same. Yep that's a good one.

"Freya, you're from New York right?"
"Yep, born and raised. Why?"
"It's just... The attack... I've hurt so many people. Knowing that I might've hurt you-"
"Loki, it's alright. It's been years. I don't remember much anyway."
"What do you remember", he questioned further.
"I remember demolished buildings, people screaming. I remember seeing those aliens firing at us. Mostly the chaos actually. I don't remember you or any other Avenger."
"How can you love me, even after you know what I've done?"

I looked at him. He was so upset about it. I laid my hand on his cheek, making him look at me too. I smiled and kissed him gently.
"I love you for who you are. You have been nothing but kind and sweet to me."

After finishing our drinks while talking, we left the bar. Our ride was waiting for us. He took us back to the Compound. Loki helped me get undressed and we got in bed.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Illegal lover - professor Loki Laufeyson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now